JUST IN: 49 yr old bachelor hangs self at Apake Ogbomoso due to pressure

49 yr old bachelor hangs self at Apake Ogbomoso due to pressure
Jeremiah OYELEKE

Tragedy struck at Apake area, in the neighbourhood of Okelerin Baptist Basic School, Ogbomoso, as a 49-year old man was found hanging in his room on Wednesday. He was stone dead.
The Insight saw his body dangling when the scene was visited this morning.
According to neighbours the corpse was discovered at about 9:30.
“People even saw him this morning with a friend he saw off tat about 7:30,” a witness who however pleaded anonymity informed.

“He was about 49 years old and was yet to marry. He was a trailer driver.”
Further investigations on possible cause of his taking his life revealed that it might not be unconnected with pressure on him to get married.

Sympathizers in front of the house

“Some of his family members we learnt came to visit him early this year and joked that they must see his child this year.

“It is possible this put more pressure on him and he thought he should end it all.”

Meanwhile the matter had not been reported to the police.

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