Stop insulting Aare Musulumi resolve your paternity issue with Ayilara family – Grp warns Chief Imam Ogbomoso

Stop insulting Aare Musulumi resolve your paternity issue with Ayilara family -Grp warns Chief Imam Ogbomoso




Ex-students of Akhbarudeen Institute, Ogbomoso, Oyo state, have issued a strong warning to the Chief Imam of Ogbomosoland, Sheikh Taliat Yunus Ayilara, to backdown from hurling insults and abuses at the Aare Musulumi of Ogbomosoland, Alhaji AbdulGaniyu Owodunni.


This warning is contained in a press statement by the group which wrote under the aegis of Old Students Association of Akhbarudeen Institute, titled “…Enough of Insult and Abuse of the Aare Alhaji Abdul Ganiyu Owodunni, the Aare Musulumi of Ogbomosoland, by Imam Yunus Taliat,” signed by Alhaji AbdulGaniy Miftahudeen Olabisi and made available to


The institute was founded by the father of the present Aare Musulumi of Ogbomoso, Aare AbdulGaniyu, Aare AbdulRahim Ishola Owodunni (and who is first Aare Musulumi in Ogbomoso), in 1978.


The ex-students in the statement expressed dissatisfaction and condemned the action, saying the Imam is going overboard with his action and harped they would not condone further affront on their proprietor henceforth.


They implored Ayilara to instead of being engrossed in firing invectives should seek ways to resolve the claim by the Ayilara Imam family that he is not a bonafide member of their family.


“We, the old students Association of AKHBARUDEEN INSTITUTE Frown and condemn the insult of the Aare Musulumi of Ogbomosoland by Imam Yunus Taliat…We the old students of Akhbarudeen submit that, hence forth, Imam Yunus Taliat should desist from insulting our father, the Administrative commander of the Muslims in Ogbomosoland, Aare AbdulGaniyu Owodunni. The Imam should go back to the Ayilara family to sort himself out.”


The group went down memory lane asserting Alhaji Owodunni is a man of integrity who should be spared such abuses, moreover against the background of the contributions of his family (starting from his father) to the growth of Islam in Ogbomosoland including founding the first Islamic institute and first private Muslim secondary school in Ogbomoso, which run without taking tuition from pupils and students.


The schools they noted have produced many scholars of repute holding forte brilliantly in many fields of human endeavours.


“The contribution of Owodunni dynasty in the development of Ogbomoso and Islam in Ogbomoso in particular is incontestable…


“Let us quickly gave a recap or summary of what greatness Owodunni dynasty brought to Islam in Ogbomoso. The Owodunni dynasty, our father, Alhaji AbduRahim Ishola Owodunni, father of today’s Aare, was the pivot on which traditional Islamic institution (Ilekewu)in Ogbomoso rest. In 1978/79, when all efforts by then Alfas and Ulamas to establish a formal Arabic institute failed, Alhaji AbduRahim Ishola Owodunni established a formal Arabic institute using one of his houses at Kara as the Centre. He used his wealth to entice Muslim children to come to ile kewu by giving them uniform free, Arabic textbooks were given free even the Madrasat was made free. We all know that the bedrock of Islam is knowledge. The institute played a significant role in giving adequate knowledge on Islamic tenet to the children. A lot of Alfas were employed, even from outside Ogbomoso. The institute (lle kewu) was named AKHBARUDEEN ARABIC TRAINING CENTRE and it was the first formal lle kewu in Ogbomoso and environs where uniform was used. When the population became enormous, Alhaji AbdulRahim Owodunni built a gigantic two-storey building at Oke-Ado Akintola to be used as a new centre. The name was then changed to AKHBARUDEEN INSTITUTE OF Arabic and Islamic studies (Ma’hd Akhbarudeen lid-dirassatil Arabiyya wal-islaamiyyat). The Institute was affiliated to Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, for the studies of JIS and SIS. This institute produced a lot of proficient and knowledgeable scholars, the likes of: Chief Imam Igboho, Dr. Busari Mashud (WAEC), Professor Nurayn (LAUTECH), Chief Imam kere, Ajanas Agba of Ogbomosoland Imam Qosim Olaosebikan, principal Miftaudeen, Al-mudeer Ishaq, to mention but a few. No household in Ogbomoso and environs that didn’t felt the impact of the institute. It was after the successful establishment of Akhbarudeen institute for many years that other Arabic institute came on board. In addition, Owodunni dynasty also has to their credit the establishment of the first private Muslim secondary School in Ogbomoso. Akhbarudeen Institute is now 45years since its establishment and the college is now 27 years. The two Institutions are being run, free of charge. No any other family in Ogbomoso has this record.”


Submitting this accomplishment and others made the late Soun of Ogbomosoland Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III to confer the title of Aare Musulumi on Alhaji AbdulRahim Owodunni, which is now held by his son, AbdulGaniyu Owodunni and who they informed played leading role in the emergence of Taliat Ayilara as Chief Imam, they asserted the abuses on him indicated ungratefulness.


This is as it is posited that as Aare Musulumi, Owodunni is the administrative leader and head of Muslims in Ogbomoso asserting the Chief Imam has rather a spiritual role to lead prayers.


“The contribution of Owodunni dynasty in the development of Ogbomoso and Islam in Ogbomoso in particular is incontestable. The position of the Aare Musulumi bestowed on Owoduni family by His Imperial Majesty, Oba Jimoh Oyewumi CON, CFR, Soun of Ogbomosoland, is not just a honourary post but the one merited by the family. Today’s Aare Musulumi in person of Alhaji Aare AbdulGaniyu Owodunni is not a person to be ridiculed by anyone or anybody. He is a man of wisdom and peace, who has peaceful co-existence of all the Muslims in heart.


“When the position of Grand chief Imam of Ogbomoso became vacant due to the demise of Late Imam Yekin Ashafa, the Soun, Oba Ajagungbade summoned the Aare Musulumi and the special committee for Islamic affairs, with the Pakoyi and other prominent Islamic personalities to see to the selection of a new Imam. This gesture shows that the Aare is a leader to be reckon with. The Aare participated actively in all ramification in seeing to the emergence of new Imam. He even gave a multi- million naira car apart from other financial contributions to the Imam. The Ayilara family whom the new Imam claimed to be his paternal root debunked the Imam Yinusa claim, but instead of Imam Yinusa to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is a legitimate son of the Ayilara family, he insulted the Aare and bit the finger that fed him. He displayed ungrateful act beyond limit. But the Aare being a man ot wisdom, patient and father of all, never took the abuse to heart.


“The Aare Alhaji AbdulGaniyu Owodunni is the Administrative leader of Muslims in Ogbomosoland while Imam Yunusa is just a spiritual leader to lead in prayers. The word Aare in Arabic means AMEER. The word Amir has a root in Islamic history. All the Khalifah after the Prophet are the Amir, meaning commander of the faithfuls. Aare AbdulGaniyu Owodunnl is the commander of the faithfuls in Ogbomosoland. No amount of blasphemy can change this.


“When Imam Yunusa was selected, it was the special committee for Islamic affairs that took the responsibilities of all the nitty gritty of the installation, under the command of the Aare. It was also the special committee for Islamic Affairs under the Aare that constructed the office of the Imam.”


Tracing the origin of the crisis, the ex-students pinpointed it started with the disclaimer by the Ayilara family against the Chief Imam.


They emphasized however that the various committees set up to look into the matter all arrived at one conclusion, which is for him to step aside for a while and the Central Mosque locked pending the time a final resolution is made averring this was why the Imam took on the Aare Musulumi.


They said, “The Ayilara family from which Imam Yunusa claimed as its paternal lineage debunked the Imams claim. Alot of committees were set up to see to the amicable solution of this great issue: Committee by the palace led by the Abese, committee by the League of Imams and Alfas led by Alhaji Abolugu, committee by Imam in council led by Pakoyi, committee by special committee for Islamic Affairs, committee by the Ayilara family, police Area commanders Office. After proper investigations and findings, it was resolved by all the committees that the Imam should step aside for a while. But to every bodies dismay, the Imam refused to step aside but resulted to threatening with police and the court. To guide against breakdown of law and order because some of the Ayilara’s family members were beaten and even jailed, all the committees resolved that the mosque should be locked, but the Imam turned his back to Aare and started insulting him. This was the genesis of the abuse and insult meted out to the Aare by the Imam.”


They reiterated he should sort his paternity conundrum out rather than denigrating the office of the Aare.


“So, we the old students of Akhbarudeen submit that, hence forth, Imam Yunus Taliat should desist from insulting our father, the Administrative commander of the Muslims in Ogbomosoland, Aare AbdulGaniyu Owodunni. The Imam should go back to the Ayilara family to sort himself out,” they maintained.

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