Makinde ought to be contesting presidential election not 2nd term as governor – Party chieftain

Makinde ought to be contesting presidential election not 2nd term as governor – Party chieftain

Chief Engr. Afolabi Olayemi Adejare Silas pka Olaogo for GSM 2023 vied for the ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to represent Ogo-Oluwa/Surulere state constituency of Oyo state in 2023, which he however lost, in this interview by, the Igbo-Ile Oje (ward 9 Ogo-Oluwa local government) – born politician speaks on his aspiration, the administration of Oyo state governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde and his second term bid.

Why did you lose out in your aspiration to represent Ogo-Oluwa/Surulere state constituency?
Life is sometimes a game, you succeed sometimes, you lose sometimes. I know the time of success is very close, we should see it that way.

Why do you think Governor Makinde deserves second term?
Oh my God! Governor Oluseyi Abiodun Makinde is one of the best governors, in fact, I can say he is the best governor in the southwest, I will even say in the country. Let us look at the parameters: if you consider the education sector, he is fulfilling what he promised during the campaigns. He promised free education and he is fulfilling it, something very difficult considering the finances of the states. Then, go to LAUTECH (Ladoke Akintola University of Technology), he not only slashed the tuition, he made the institution a sole property of Oyo state, he was able to resolve the then lingering controversy, so, kudos to him. With this, a low class person can now send his/her child to LAUTECH, thank God for that. That is part of his achievements in the education sector. Let’s go to infrastructural development, there are street light everywhere, which has improved the security situation in the state, criminals are now kept at bay at night. Then, look at the Amotekun initiative. Also, he is empowering youths through provision of employments, this is worthwhile. Then, if we go to the civil service, almost every worker is getting his salary on the 25th of every month.

Governor Seyi Makinde

But some are saying paying salary is never an achievement that it is merely fulfilling a statutory function.
I quite agree but at the same time a government which is able to give entitlement to someone who works in time should be given kudos. In some states even a state close to us here is paying half salary. Some are owing about a year salary. That is tantamount to multiplying poverty in the society. You see, when salary is paid, the workers won’t eat the money, but the money goes into circulation – they will buy yam, but car and other things, so, everyone enjoys. We should give kudos to Governor Makinde. So, the government of Governor Makinde is doing a lot of things, physical projects and what have you! Last year, many youths were sent to Nasarawa state on agricultural production training, they are being empowered, very soon, agricultural output will increase in the state. In the health sector, he has put in many facilities, virtually in every local government, in every ward, he built or renovated clinics, which he supplied with drugs and provided with boreholes, people now have greater access to good health. So, improved health facility is another achievement of Governor Seyi Makinde’s administration. He is in fact qualified to be the president of Nigeria, he is God-fearing, one day, he will emerge president, I am sure.

The governor built bus terminals in Ibadan but we have heard a gubernatorial candidate lambasting the project saying he would turn such terminals into hostels or libraries if he wins the election, what is your take on this?
Politics is not supposed to be do-or-die, a statement like that is an indication of do-or-die politics, that is being pessimistic about politics instead of being optimistic. The bus terminal initiative is a wonderful project, in terms of aesthetic and philosophy; moreover it is a source of revenue for government for the state. Also, it has led to reduction in issue of people being kidnapped when they unknowingly board vehicles belonging to criminal elements. With the bus terminals, each vehicle is tracked since the drivers are known.

Do you subscribe to the notion that Makinde being a technocrat and not a politician affects his performance?
His Excellency, Governor Makinde is trying his best and he is doing his best. You cannot be me and I cannot be you. Sometimes, we need technocrats more than politicians. The fact is that Governor Makinde is performing excellently, all indices point to that. If he is a politician he would not have recorded such performance, because he would be leaning towards sharing money.

He is even accused of reneging on promises he made with parties that allied with him to win?
I believe things will get better, he can’t do all at a goal, Governor Makinde is going to get better. It is like a football player being watched by spectators, the spectators many times feel they would do better if on the field, and so, overzealously, offer various alternative moves. Governance is cumbersome, we should rather applaud Governor Makinde for his accomplishments in so short a time, this is someone that has been able to touch most sectors – education, health, infrastructure, virtually every sector. A man cannot be God, let’s appreciate Governor Seyi Makinde, he is doing well and he will even do better when he is reelected in 2023.

There is this belief meanwhile that he is only concentrating on Ibadan, that he is Ibadan governor.
Let us get it right, he resolved the LAUTECH conundrum, is LAUETCH in Ibadan? Iseyin-Moniya road, is it Ibadan? Ogbomoso-Iseyin road, is it Ibadan? He has touched all zones, he will do better and don’t forget capital cities always receive greater attention because it is the signpost of a state or province. Governor Makinde is a man of the people, we love him, we love the way he does things.

Makinde is not supporting Atiku Abubakar, he belongs to the Wike group that is at war with Atiku …
You said that, Atiku is our presidential candidate.

Do you see him supporting Atiku?
There may be rancour in the party, there may be problem in the party, every party has that but we will get over it.

Are you expecting miracle considering the way Senator Teslim Folarin is forging ahead?
Miracle is good but it is based on the reaction of God, man acts and God reacts. I believe by the special grace of God in 2023, we will rejoice that Governor Seyi Makinde has won his reelection bid – Omituntun 2.0. – that is our project. We believe in him, we believe in his philosophy, we believe in his way, the way he does things, and we have seen that he has been doing his best. This time when there is no money in government, he is still doing his best, so, I think we need his style, a God-fearing governor, who will not see himself as just himself but who will see the citizens as part of him.

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