HEARTRENDING: Couple, both pry sch teachers, who lost undergrad son 2yrs ago crushed by trailer in Ogbomoso

HEARTRENDING: Couple, both pry sch teachers, who lost undergrad son 2yrs ago crushed by trailer in Ogbomoso


Tragedy struck Friday in Ogbomoso at Arinkinkin area, along Oyo road when an articulated vehicle (trailer) lunged horrifically at a couple on a motorcycle going to the schools where they worked as teachers at the market community of Obada (Odo-Oba), and smashed them to death.

Identified as Mr. John and Mrs. Hannah Oyeniran, while the husband worked at Methodist Basic School the wife was a staff member of Itesiwaju Baptist Basic School, both in Odo-Oba.

They lived in their personal house at Samaday area where they daily made the trip to and fro their schools both which shared the same compound.

Late John Oyeniran during a church programme

“However, between Monday and Thursday of that week the wife did not go with the husband, it was only on that Friday that she went with her husband,” a source close to the family told ogbomosoinsightonline.com, adding, “We also learnt that on that black Friday she had planned not to go to school but a call that there was an important assignment to be attended to in school made her change her mind.”

Further, the source disclosed, “The man had always avoided that road presumably because of its poor condition couple with its usual overflow of articulated trailers, preferring rather to take the longer Idi-Araba road but unfortunately this day, he took the road, and see what happened.”

According to findings they just dropped their last child, a girl, attending a private secondary school after which they met with the violent end.

The driver of the trailer reportedly was drowsy when he hit a number of cars whose occupants sustained various degrees of injuries before ramming into the couple.

“The husband died on the spot while the wife made it to the hospital before giving up the ghost,” it was learnt.

Late Hannah Oyeniran

The woman, the Sunbeam Director of the Redeemers Baptist Association of the Ogbomoso Baptist Conference is said to be about 53 years old while the husband, President of the Itesiwaju Cooperative Society Obada is said to be nearing retirement.

According to information the couple would be laid to rest Thursday after funeral service at Ife Pipe Baptist Church, Ogbomoso.

Their first child, a student of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, died in September 2020, ogbomosoinsightonline.com was informed. Ironically, the mother was also said to be a 300level undergraduate student at the National Teachers’ Institute (NTI), LAUTECH campus.

Meanwhile, a sympathizer lamenting the irreparable losses heaped the blame on the Federal Government for the inexplicable delay in the completion of the Ogbomoso-Oyo section of the new highway which contract was awarded in 2001.

While the Ogbomoso-Ilorin and Oyo-Ibadan sections were completed and opened for use long time ago, the middle section oscillates between abandonment and snail speed work, and thus his heartfelt appeal, “The Federal Government should please expedite action on the project, the road has gulped the blood of thousands of people with no sign of respite.”

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