Ayede Poly: Kudos Oyo govt on technical college, but help with this too

Ayede Poly: Kudos Oyo govt on technical college, but help with this too




The news that the Oyo state government has finally decided to release a part of the facilities of the Government Technical College Ogbomoso (GTCO) for the use of the Federal Polytechnic, Ayede, Ogbomoso, is a relief. It’s commendable at this time indeed when the fledgling institution has now got approval for more technical/engineering-based programmes.

From the permanent site

GTCO featured prominently as a suitable location for temporary site towards the take off of the 2021-founded institution but the plan fell through after some interests allegedly frustrated the move for their selfish cum communal agenda, who reportedly leveraged on their closemess to the state government.


After a session had passed the matter had been revisited and the request is now granted. However, it appears the institution now has little use of the GTCO facilities in the sense that construction activities at the permanent site at Ayede, Ogo-Oluwa local government, is unfolding at a frenetic pace and a visit there recently revealed that the place is almost ready for occupation. The management of the polytechnic headed by Engr Dr Adekunle Taofeeq Abdul-Hameed is doing a yeoman’s job in ramping up building of the place. Kudos! It might indeed be the first to relocate to its permanent site among the six polytechnics established by President Muhammadu Buhari administration in 2021.


However, there is a lacuna confronting the prospect. The roads linking Ayede are in a state of disrepair. Ayede to Idi-Araba and to Odo-Oba all enroute Ogbomoso are of earth, terribly dilapidated and undesirable for the heavy traffic that will be ignited if academic activities begin at the site.


It is in this regard that the assistance of Governor Seyi Makinde is urgently requested. Even if it is one, preferably the one linking Idi-Araba, which is less than 10 kilometres is the one constructed with asphalt, it will facilitate the relocation.


His Excellency is therefore earnestly appealed to, to execute the road construction project. It is heartwarming the Oyo state Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Professor Salihu Adelabu, said during a parley with the management of the polytechnic and other stakeholders last week in Ibadan, that the institution is a heritage of Oyo state from the federal government. He harped on a kind of symbiotic relationship between the two. His recognition of this fact is heartwarming.


The governor is therefore cally on to intervene and direct construction of this road (or perhaps these roads including the one linking Ajaawa, headquarters of Ogo-Oluwa local government from Ayede) in the spirit of the partnership enunciated by the commissioner.

Another structure under construction at the permanent site

Certainly, the polytechnic will pay back (is indeed paying back) Oyo state primarily in terms of employment opportunities, broadening prospects of educational attainment of Oyo youths, boosting of Oyo economy, infrastructural development, expansion of federal government presence and input, opening of new areas, research benefits and so on. Whatever Oyo government can do to strengthen the institution is to the advantage of the state and its people. Constructing access road(s) to the institution (as short as below 10kms) is considered an investment worth it.


The present administration has put up hundreds of kilometres of roads including federal government-owned roads in the last five years, so, making provision for a 10 to 20 kilometre road stretch that fully belongs to the state shouldn’t be an uphill task moreover one that will spark instant rewards. If the governor has the will it will be done. That is one thing l know.

Admin block of GTCO

The institution relocating to its permanent site in record time is no doubt a big credit to him too. In the annal of the institution l am certain the deed will be recorded in a manner like this, “Relocation to the permanent site of Ayede Polytechnic made possible due to the construction of access road by His Excellency the Executive Governor of Oyo state Engr Seyi Makinde. April 2024.”


That will be a nice inscription that will continually stir emotion. Little little deeds of great impact bolster a great man’s greatness.


Yeah, it’s all down to the will of the governor! Let him choose to concretely intertwine his history with the school and attain an immortal status there.


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