Rethinking appointment of Oba Ghandi: Why Laoye family nay Soun dynasty is winner

Image caption: Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III

Rethinking appointment of Oba Ghandi: Why Laoye family nay Soun dynasty is winner


Succession to a stool as important and paramount as that of Soun of Ogbomosoland will no doubt unfold under an intense and acrimonious atmosphere; it is certain to be dogged by fierce struggles, bitter contests and venomous encounters. The contest that led to the emergence of Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III as the new Soun is not disappointing; the contest lived up to expectation.

The immediate past Soun His Imperial Majesty Oba (Dr) Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III JP CON CFR thrust the eminence of the throne to its highest pitch so far. The late Oba Ajagungbade III inherited a great stool but he made it greater in several fronts; it’s he who achieved for the stool the status of an Oba or better put facilitated official recognition of Soun stool as an Oba’s; he daringly wore the beaded crown at his installation against the directive of the powers that be, an “affront” that fast-tracked the official recognition; he led to victory battle to fend off an obnoxious encroachment into the land of Ogbomoso by securing a landmark victory at the Supreme Court in 1984 that set the boundaries with Oyo city at Ipeba instead of Odo-Oba. He fought many modern wars that upped the glory of the realm that helped significantly to further cement and affirm the significance of Ogbomoso as a kingdom nay empire.


It is thus not unexpected the firepower witnessed in the process that threw up Oba Ghandi that began since December 12, 2021 following the transition of Oba Oyewumi Ajagungbade III. His choice generated much controversy instigated by opponents who are fiercely against his ascension. Tons of petitions found their ways to the Oyo state helmsman, Engr Seyi Makinde, over the appropriateness of his selection by the kingmakers alleging that he should not have been considered, having, according to them, been “struck out” from the race by the family’s screening committee. The Ogbomoso North local government officials who lawfully are meant to be part of the selection process as “observers” are also being put to the sword, for the “sin” of participating actively in the process instead of being “deaf and dumb.” Series of litigation also were provoked challenging the nomination.

The oppositions which stem from sections of the ruling family remained unabated for long, many who were antagonistic remained implacable, insisting “Ghandi moon will not break.”

But Ghandi moon broke! In the meantime, rethinking the scenario leaves much to ponder on. Candidly, I see it as a case of being “ingrate” to the gods or to their ancestors who made Ghandi happen. If you look at it the way I am going to point out you will see the crux of my submission.

Many ruling families are at daggers drawn today sweating profusely, breaking blood and seeking anxiously and angrily in courts to fend off the occupation of their stool by usurpers and impostors. There are several cases of stools being seized by hitherto “fake princes,” men who never belonged to the ruling house that is to produce the king; such brazen usurpers have no blood relationship with the recognized families but latching on to government connections, huge financial muscle and audaciousness, took over their thrones relying further on loopholes to be exploited to retain and perpetuate their illegal occupation. And many do survive it. However, in this controversy, such scenario did not emanate; that isn’t the bone of contention as far as the Laoye’s is concerned. Of all the videos, petitions, reliefs in the courts, media engagements, even in the grapevine, none alleged Ghandi Olaoye is not a true bone of Laoye family. His ancestry is never denied. So what is the fret about?

Furthermore, the new Soun has inspired hope and confidence. His speeches since coming on board has been full of aspiration and purpose. His Majesty has provoked humongous expectations. He has hinted of a twenty-year development plan for the city; he speaks of attracting “foreign direct investments” (who told you only the government can achieve that?) through leveraging on his wide networks of connections. Oba Olaoye is a worthy individual, a capable prince, more than suitable – doesn’t appear to be someone who will lower the standard set by his predecessors especially by the immediate past Soun. In carriage, network of friends, riches, education, enlightenment, exposure, resourcefulness, attitude, vision and what have you, Oba Orumogege III is not of inferior quality. He is evincing those attributes against a backdrop of immense confidence and assurance why he is a worthy successor to the throne. In all these, the Laoye ruling family ought to be happy and proud that they could produce such person of eminence, who will be able to hold his own in the comity of traditional rulers and eminent personalities anywhere in the world.

In this circumstance, Olaoye ruling house is really the winner – its right is not expropriated by some greedy prince either from another ruling house or someone not of the renowned Soun dynasty at all. Secondly, a meritorious prince, loved and acceptable generally by the subjects has risen to the throne.

What else can anyone want!

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