Oba Ghandi is God’s decision, not man’s – Saka Balogun

Oba Ghandi is God’s decision, not man’s – Saka Balogun


Dr Saka Balogun, a community leader in Ogbomoso, has reiterated that the emergence of the new Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye, has the backing of God saying if not he would not have been sitting on the exalted throne today.

Dr. Balogun, also a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), made this declaration Tuesday at the annual general meeting of Egbe Omo Ogbomoso Parapo Agbaaye, held at Ogunlola Hall, Oja’gbo, Ogbomoso.

Speaking against the backdrop of pockets of opposition still simmering against Oba Ghandi especially from the Olaoye ruling house, Balogun said every stage of the process leading to the ascension of Oba Ghandi had the imprimatur of God and so urged the opponents to sheathe their sword and support the monarch.

Dr Saka Balogun

Balogun who served as Chief of Staff to ex-late Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala, recalled how Oba Orumogege’s father Prince Oladunni Olaoye contested the throne in 1940 but lost out despite being an elite supported fiercely by the leading figures of the town at the time (like Professor N.D. Oyerinde and Tutor Akinwale), pointing out that only God can bring someone to the throne and that if they did not make it their sons could make it in the future as is the case with Ghandi.

Alleging the chairman of Ogbomoso North local government Hon Kabir Akanji Ayoade of subterfuge saying he “smuggled” Ghandi’s name into the list of contestants sent to the kingmakers he posited however that all that transpired was to make God’s purpose come to fulfillment.


Dr. Balogun emphasized for the umpteenth time that the new Soun should be supported by all to fulfill his 25 year development plan for Ogbomoso.
“Let’s allow him, he said he has a 25 year development plan. His family, Laoye, I ask them to accept what God has done, it is Afolabi that God wants there at this time, I am not appealing to them, it is what God purposes that will happen.

“Ghandi’s father, (Prince) Ladunni was the choice of the elites in 1940, because he’s learned, they did not want an illiterate, the elite of the time like N.D. Oyerinde, Tutor Akinwale, they all expressed preference for Ladunni to become the Baale at the time, but he could not and the person the government and the kingmakers chose, Oyekola, the Aremo Olaoye, died a day to ascending the throne, so, they decided upon Oyetunde, Oyekola’s son, the resident (colonial government official in charge of Ogbomoso) signed the document.
“So, they instituted legal action, because they were adamant on Ladunni. It is that Ladunni who could not make it to the throne that time, his son is now the Soun (Ghandi), so, it is God that chose Ghandi, if anyone boasts he influenced his selection, it is pure lie. God employed His method to make His will manifest.

“Let us accept that is how God wants it. Someone was saying two persons voted or so, the fact is that it materialized as God wants it. If his name did not make it to the kingmakers how would two persons have voted for him and two persons voted against him?

Moreover, the Laoye family, did they include Ghandi’s name in the initial eleven names? That is to show God is most powerful above us all. If his name was not there and I knew it was not, Kabiru (chairman of Ogbomoso North local government), knew how Ghandi’s name was included, because as the chairman of the council, he would see to the transmitting of the name (s) submitted by the Olaoye family to the kingmakers.

“Areago is not of Olaoye, he is a kingmaker; Kabiru is not of Laoye, and his is not kingmaker but he knows how Ghandi’s name got into the second list of 12 names, to make it 23, leading to the selection of Ghandi by the kingmakers. So, Ghandi’s choice is God’s, and that is why God allowed all the happenings. I said it openly at the stadium that I was privy and I can say it that I am also close to the governor who has the prescribed authority over the matter.

“Another way God manifested His power is that the governor had no vested interest, he had no candidate, rather he left the race open that whoever was picked by Ogbomoso, he would support, and that is why it was easier, assuming he had a candidate, it would have been beyond our might. He was consulting three of us on the matter – Gen Oladayo Popoola (rtd) (this is someone unconcerned by politics), Prof Oyelowo Oyewo, then Attorney General/Commissioner for Justice of the State (also unconcerned by politics), and myself, that’s why I knew he had no preference. So, it is God’s way.

“The day we said we would hold a meeting and give him report, he did not wait for the report before he signed the approval of Ghandi. That is God at work, he proved his power. It evolved so no one will boast he facilitated the emergence of Ghandi. It is true, nobody chose him, it is God that did it.

“So, I beseech Laoye family members, take Ghandi’s case as an instance, if you contested and did not succeed, don’t you believe it will be the turn of your son in the future? We should avoid being over recalcitrant. The Laoye family members should sheathe their sword. Let us accept that is how God wants it. That is His will.”

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