Bravo: TESCOM Ogbomoso takes step to remove its rot, eyesore

Bravo: TESCOM Ogbomoso takes step to remove its rot, eyesore


The building before


Few weeks ago, carried a story on the poor conditions of one of the two buildings being used as offices of the Oyo State Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM) Ogbomoso zone, whose roof’s boards had partly rotted, caved in and its iron sheets rusted.

It was described as an “eyesore” and a “rot,” a scenario objectionable and condemnable in view of the important role the commission performs in the education sector – as the crucible for secondary education in Ogbomoso zone.

It is thus heart-thumping when it’s discovered this week that the repair of the building has commenced in earnest. saw that the damaged roof had been removed for replacement and already a new roof carcass had been erected in preparation for finishing.

Interestingly and laudably, it’s learnt the project is being undertaken by the Ogbomoso zonal office.

“That’s what you get when you have a good head,” a teacher who however does not want his mentioned remarked.

“The building was in that dilapidated condition for a long time without anything done to remedy it but a new leader had mobilized resources in-house to re-construct the roof. It is commendable.”


Meanwhile, the commission’s zonal head, the tutor-general, Mr. Olatunde Suulola, was not available when visited the place.



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