5,000 gospel ministers converge on Ogbomoso for leadership conference beginning today

The 2021 ministers’ conference of the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary (NBTS), Ogbomoso, begins today with between 3,500 and 5,000 participants expected at the 3-day event.
According to the president of the institution, Rev’d Professor Emiola Nihinlola, the participants would include church pastors, Christian educators, church musicians, evangeliists, missionaries and denominational and interdenominational workers and officers.

Prof Emiola Nihinlola

Speaking at a press conference organized by the institution last Monday, Professor Nihinlola unveiled the theme for the conference as”Leadership is vision, service and sacrifice,” with Bible passage Mark 10: 35-45.
He noted that ministers would be taught the values of leading and serving others, offering exemplary cum God-fearing leadership towards developing people and transforming society as well as helping to raise and supporting church members, workers and officers to serve as civil leaders.
Programme personnel would include Rev’d. Dr. Israel Adelani Akanji (President of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, NBC), Deacon Musa Ubandoma (Vice President, Administration and Human Resources, NBC), Rev’d Dr Amos Kunat (Chairman, NBC) and Rev’d Dr Jerry Akinsola (former Director, Christian Education Department, NBC).
“We are trusting God for an enriching and empowering conference. Our spirit yearns for leadership renewal for the sake of peace, progress, transformation and development. We have concluded plans to conduct this conference with prayer that God would renew all Christian leaders, that the power of God would continue to consecrate church pastors, gospel ministers, to transform our society. O God, let this conference renew the commitment of your servants to such a lifestyle and ministries that will energize the church to be salt and light of the Nigerian society,” Nihinlola remarked.
Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the conference will be held both physically and virtually and so participants can hook up through various online platforms at any part of the globe.
The annual ministers’ conference has a four-fold objective including renewing participants’ spirituality and fellowship, updating their academic and professional knowledge, sharpening their ministry skills in leadership, communication and counselling as well as promoting the activities of the Baptist denomination in Nigeria.
With the large number of pastors attending the period always is a boost to economic activities in Ogbomoso.

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