An open letter to acting LAUTECH VC: Pls, take caution and exercise discretion

By Ayandaoluwa AYOOLUWA, D.D.

Recently, sanity and peace returned to the institution after years of tribulation and anguish brought upon it by the past governors of the two owner states of Oyo and Osun and the then Chancellor. Today, workers in the school are being regularly paid their monthly salaries by the indefatigabAYANDAOLUWA AYOOLUWA, D.D.le, humane and amiable governor of the sole owner state of Oyo, Engr. Seyi Makinde. This is a task the governor take upon himself alone without involving the school’s Vice Chancellor (VC) or the Governing Council. Yet, the highly esteemed citadel of learning collects school fees of high amount and other intakes as internally generated revenue (IGR), which the state government does not interfere with. Out of this IGR, the outstanding salaries owed the staff were being paid as mid-monthly payments per month regularly.
However, when the expectation of the staff members were very high for the mid-payment of August month since they had exhausted their July pay which was remitted to them on the 19th July 2021 for the Sallah festival, the failure and disappointment came. The news and information are that the Acting VC, the Registrar in collusion with the Council members and its chairman approved the sum of three hundred million naira (N300m) for the purchase of very expensive and flashy cars for the university principal officers including the Council chairman at the expense of the comfort and right of their staff members.
Before this V.C. and Council members came on board, the former V.C. had been able to settle the outstanding owed salaries to the level of which only five months are now in arrears. But, rather than bringing solace to the hearts of these befuddled staff, the Council members are now being unnecessarily extravagant and unknowingly spendthrift. What they ought to have done was to have settled the whole salaries owed first in one installment and then do their blissful purchase later.
I want to say that everyone involved in this unpopular and dastardly act should be warned and at alert because the most High and the one living God and only Potentate, whose mouth I am, is very wrathful now and is on the prowl to devour or crush.

Ayandaoluwa Ayooluwa, DD
Professor of Divinity and Human Relationship
(I am a Doctorate holder in Divinity field and a Professor in the same. From my name, one can see that I am a chosen and elected one of the Lord specially created and made peculiar by the Almighty God. Therefore, I am on missions on the surface of the earth. Presently, I am the custodian and the watcher over LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, to make sure that the university is properly cared for in all ramifications and if needed fight for the caretaking.)

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