LAUTECH: Management threatens to sanction striking workers

The authorities of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, has issued a stern warning to its striking workers, threatening to penalize any staff member that fails to return to his or her duty post on Thursday after the Sallah holidays. reported days ago that some workers’ unions under the umbrella of Joint Action Committee, JAC, comprising the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU), Non Academic Staff Union (NASU) and National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT), had been at loggerheads with the management of the university over unpaid earned annual allowance (EAA), running into eight years.

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The recent acquisition of five new cars for some members of management each allegedly costing N35m, sparked JAC to declare an industrial action.
But in a statement issued yesterday signed by the Registrar, Dr. Kayode Ogunleye, the management lamented the development stating the strike action had imposed a lot of inconveniences on the institution, “Management and Council have noted with concern that this action has not only affected the conduct of some examinations but has also prevented holding of some important university meetings and generally slowed down the smooth operations of the university and subsequently truncating the university academic calendar,” the release states.
Directing staff to return to work immediately, while citing the expanded management committee, under the directive of the council, as the authorizing body, the release warns, “Any staff member who refuses to report for duty will be treated for abscondment from duty and appropriate sanction will be applied to such staff member in line with the university rules and regulations, while anybody who prevents staff from performing their lawful duty will be made to face the full wrath of the law in accordance with the university extant regulations on such matters.”
The leadership of JAC could meanwhile not be reached as at the time of filing this report to extract its response.

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