Soyinka to FG: Apologize to Sunday Igboho

Professor Woke Soyinka has declared that the Federal Government of Nigeria needs to apologize to Chief Sunday Adeniyi Adeyemo over the assault on his house last week.
Professor Soyinka made this declaration during an interview with bbcnewsyoruba service monitored by
Soyinka said though the present administration is not wholy responsible for the rot in Nigeria noting that some were inherited he was of the opinion that the administration should have taken steps to fix the mess.
He now observed that Chief Adeyemo, popularly called Sunday Igboho was only trying to contribute to making right the many things wrong with the country.
The Nobel Laureate for Literature further advocated the convocation of a National Conference, where he said the many challenges facing the country would be discussed and solutions proferred. He asserted this is the only panacea for progress and preservation of a unified Nigeria.
On the agitations for Biafra and Yoruba nations as separate countries being led by IPOB leader, Nnamdi Kanu and Sunday Igboho respectively, he refrained from condemning the agitators, maintaining that Igboho was only striving to revamp what the government had destroyed.
He added that should government succeed in taking Sunday Igboho and Nnamdi Kanu out of circulation, many other people that would take over from them are on ground.
Soyinka berated government for deploying coercive forces against freedom fighters like Igboho and Kanu stressing Myetti Allah and armed herdsmen are on the other hand being pampered.
He frowned at the failure of government in bringing herdsmen and their leaders to book inspite of the atrocious crimes they commit.
The former don also expressed displeasure over government’s lackadaisical attitude towards the massacre perpetrated by gunmen in Ibarapa/Oke-Ogun recently, insisting that the gun-wielding hersdmen are hardened criminals.
Asked to react to government’s averment that it is after the alleged sponsors of Sunday Igboho and Nnamdi Kanu, he dismissed the claim noting it is an old strategy by government.
“We have heard them boasting they had uncovered the sponsors of Boko Haram insurgents. What has come out of it? Or have you heard anything?
“In my opinion, the Federal Government ought to tender apology to Igboho and absolve him of all accusations.”
Overall, Soyinka urged government to find solutions to the myriads of problems assailing Nigeria just as it enjoined that it honestly opens up on the workings of the administration.


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