IBEDC swings into action, may restore electricity

News reaching ogbomosoinsightonline.com indicates that the authorities of Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, IBEDC, Ogbomoso Business District, has sent out its engineers to trace the faults that had cut power supply to Ogbomoso and its environs since Sunday, June 20, 2021.
According to the information IBEDC is desirous of restoring electricity to the city and its engineers are said to be painstakingly trying to discover the problem areas and fix them accordingly.
It was reported earlier today that the reason for the total blackout in Ogbomoso was either as a result of faulty facilities which the company couldn’t go out to rectify for fear of attack by the people owing to the faceoff between the electricity company and the people of Ogbomoso under the aegies of Ogbomoso Community Youth Forum, OCYF, or as a sabotaging effort to turn electricity consumers against OCYF being led by Rev’d Peter Olaleye.
It was learnt that community leaders as well as the leadership of OCYF in conjunctions with the Area Commander had assured the organization of safety of their men anytime they decided to fix the problem.
Meanwhile, electricity consumers in the city have drawn the battle line with IBEDC insisting that failure to restore electricity would mean a forfeiture of this month’s bill even though OCYF had forbidden payment of electricity bill in the community in the next three months.
A commentator averred, “If they failed to restore light it would be to the detriment of the organization because they have a target to meet. So, it’s in their interest to restore light so they could at least have a basis for distribution of bills.

“Most importantly, they should begin to toe the path of restitution. You can only cheat the people for a time not forever.”

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