Roles of JPs explained, as Ogbomoso hosts monthly meeting of association

Oyo state president of JPs Apostle Ayeni

The Oyo state chairman of the Justices of the Peace (JPs), Apostle Michael Ola Ayeni has reiterated the importance of JPs in the society submitting that in this period of national crisis the need for JPs becomes more crucial.
Apostle Ayeni made this submission recently during the monthly meeting of the Oyo state Justices of Peace held in Ogbomoso at Ogbomoso Grammar School hall.
In his address, the state chairman harped, “The roles of a Justice of the Peace cannot be undermined today as a result of continuous rise in civil disobedience and crime. The need to maintain law, order and peace cannot be over emphasized.
“In the face of street violence, jungle justice, civil unrest, strikes, grievances against government, socio-economic crises etc no better time has the need for some interventions than now.
Adding that government has high expectations of JPs Ayeni said “Justices of the Peace assist government to maintain the existing peace, they have the duty of putting up a strong mechanism for quick and transparent dispensation of peace.
“They are advocates for peaceful co-existence in their immediate environment. They have the duty of maintaining law and order. They also act as mediators in minor civil conflicts.”
Earlier in his welcome address, chairman of JPs in Ogbomoso zone, Prince Timothy Beyioku after giving a historical background of the town and emphasizing the importance of Ogbomoso in Yorubaland disclosed that the association was formally organized in the town in 2014 with seven members.
Informing that several prominent indigenes of the town including traditional rulers such as Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III; Onpetu of Ijeru, Oba Sunday Oyediran Lagbami Osekun III; Aale of Okelerin, Oba Samuel Amao and former Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala, are members of the association, Beyioku implored members to remain steadfast and uphold the virtues of the position, eschew criminal activities and always work to maintain peace.
Beyioku, a retired principal at Ogbomoso Grammar School, further urged members to be lovers and advocates of peace, avoid the role of charge-and-bail in civil cases and most importantly “we should steer clear of behaviours that could make government withdraw our certificate as a JP.”
In a brief lecture titled, “Laughter and laughing,” Reverend Samuel Atilade Adeoye, also a JP observed that many people have jettisoned laughter due to excruciating life challenges while admonishing his colleagues to always laugh to appropriate the benefits inherent in laughter.
Concluding, he stated, “When you laugh, you gain 10 things and when you frown and breathe a deep breath of sorrow you have lost 25 things. There is music everywhere and every day everywhere you go.
“Don’t always frown because it is to one’s great disadvantage. When it comes to laughing, smiling, dancing, rejoicing, clapping joyfully, and cheerfulness, do them wholeheartedly and sincerely to improve your life. Don’t be older than your age.”
In a chat with The Insight, Apostle Ayeni gave insight into the relationship between the police force and Justice of the Peace, saying, “We work together but there are some cases where we tackle ourselves.
“Example, legally bail is free, but when we get there bail is not free and this is where we do engage in tirades and long speech wrestles.”
The programme well attended by members including Onisapa of Isapa Oba Buraimoh Amodu Akinsowon III; Iba Abogunde, Oba Tajudeen Aminu; Prince Abdulsalam Abdullahi, who represented Seriki Hausa of Ogbomosoland, Alhaji Abdulsalam Haruna; Chief Bayo Oyewusi Omiya among others, also featured investiture of newly admitted members, following which a courtesy visit was paid to Oba Oladunni Oyewumi, Soun of Ogbomosoland at his palace.

Some new members being inducted
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