Ogbomoso Gram Sch 1980 Set gives back to alma mater

Members of the 1975 -1980 Set of Ogbomoso Grammar School have given back to their alma mater as they recently renovated a block of five classrooms in the school.
The project commissioned during a reunion programme to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the set’s graduation, held at the school’s hall, was attended by members of the set, as well as members of the national exco of Ogbomoso Grammar School Old Students Association (OGSOSA) and friends of the school.
In her welcome address, principal of the school, Mrs. Rachel Phillips, expressed appreciation to the 1980 set noting their deed would forever be remembered.
Describing the set as unique, Mrs. Phillips, a 1979 graduate of the school, further appealed to ex- students to come to the assistance of the school in the provisions of facilities such as science laboratory, library and examination hall.
“I wish to use this medium to appreciate the OGSOSA 1980 Set for deeming it fit to give a facelift to their alma mater by renovating a whole block of 5 classrooms (former Oyerinde Hostel) that was in a serious dilapidated situation.
“Words are not enough to express my appreciation. I need to disclose to you that generations unborn that will make use of this building will keep appreciating you.
“I am well pleased with the 1980 set. It may not be too much for me to say 1980 set is unique and the best among its equals.
“As Oliver Twist, we will be asking for more from time to time… this is because the geometric increase in the school enrolment calls for renovation of other old facilities and installation of more modern equipment in the school.
“On this note, I wish to plead with everyone here present, that it is not over until it is over. Therefore, OGS is still in need of the following, modern science laboratory and equipment, modern library and standard examination hall.”
Mr. Wande George, who spoke on behalf of the set, gave glory to God for the feat assuring that the set would contribute more towards the development of the school.
Alhaji Sheu Babalola, a retired Assistant Inspector General of Police and who is chairman of the Governing Board of the school (SGB), similarly praised the 1980 set, asserting, “The attitude of your set has put those who believe quality education can only be found in private schools to shame. You have partnered the state government in developing the school, we are grateful, but like Oliver Twist, we are still asking for more of your contributions, and we will look forward to it.”
On behalf of the generality of the students, the Senior Boy, Adeleye John, in company with Senior Girl, Ajala Ayomide, thanked the 1980 Set for the gesture.

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