Ita-Alasa youths in Ogbomoso vow to revenge death of Jimoh Isiaq killed by police*Shootings as police storm area

The last has not been heard of the extra-judicial killing of Jimoh Isiaq during an endsars protest led by students of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, yesterday.
The 23-year old Jimoh Isiaq, said to be an electrician -in- training, was from Ogiri compound in Ita-Alasa section of the town, and was gunned down while working to rectify electrical faults at a house at Owode Area. He was shot in the stomach and died while receiving treatment at a hospital.

The deceased who left behind a wife and a child according to The Insight’s findings was preparing for his freedom in April next year.
Alaasa youths who are known for their ferociousness in the face of injustice were angered by the untimely death of one of them and have since the early hours of today been burning tyres in their area and daring any policeman to pass bye.
Sympathizers have been visiting the family compound of the deceased including students of LAUTECH and policians even as the Oyo state governor, Engr. Seyi Makinde has promised to pay condolence visit to the family as well.
Meanwhile men of the Nigerian Police from Owode Police Station have stormed the area to dislodge the protesters from the road and as at the time The Insight visited the place sound of gunshots rent the air..
The protesters who all declined to comment or give their names chorused their condemnation of what they termed the recklessness of the police.
One said, ‘People are protesting their high handedness and here are they again meting out brutality on the people they are meant to protect.’

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