EndSARS police brutality in Ogbomoso: Femi Onireti commiserates with bereaved family of Jimoh Isiaq, calls for probe

The Chief Executive Officer of Femi Onireti Foundation, Mr. Femi Onireti, has commiserated with the family of Jimoh Isiaq, the 23-year old shot dead in Ogbomoso yesterday during an EndSARS peaceful protest.
Onireti, who was visibly grieved while visiting the family of the deceased at Ogiri compound in Ita-Alaasa, Ogbomoso, encouraged the bereaved parents to take hearts and prayed God to comfort them.
He however appealed for calm on the part of the aggrieved noting that meeting violence with violence will only breed more violence and bloodshed.

The meeky philanthropist and international businessman went on to describe the mowing down of the young man, an electrician-in-training, as a serious breach of the universal human rights as well as violating the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, adding, ‘We are in a democratic system and our constitution allows the rights to freedom of speech and assembly. Shooting peaceful protesters is uncalled for.’
Onireti then urged government and relevant agencies to probe the extra-judicial killing and bring the culprits to book.
He concluded by saying, ‘My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the deceased. The lord will comfort you and grant you the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.’

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