Ogbomoso youths thank Makinde on approval of Ghandi as new Soun, advocate cooperation

Image caption: Gov Seyi Makinde

Ogbomoso youths thank Makinde on approval of Ghandi as new Soun, advocate cooperation


Ogbomoso Community Youth Forum (OCYF) has joined thousands of others in hailing the appointment of Prince Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye as the next Soun of Ogbomosoland, expressing immense appreciation to the Oyo state governor, Engr Seyi Makinde, for his “magnanimous” gesture in approving the choice by the kingmakers as endorsed by the majority of the people of the community.
This is contained in a press release signed by the leading youth organization in Ogbomoso and made available to ogbomosoinsightonline.com Tuesday.

Prince Ghandi Olaoye


“We wish to specially appreciate H.E Seyi Makinde, the Executive Governor of Oyo State for being magnanimous to the sons and daughters of Ogbomoso on the approval of Prince Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye as the new Soun of Ogbomoso.

“OCYF wishes to acknowledge the generosity of our amiable and dynamic governor on behalf of the good people of Ogbomoso land. Your Excellency, OCYF likes to place it on record that this your bold step has finally liberated and restored the hope the Ogbomoso people repose in Your Excellency.”

The influential group noted the governor has ensured the emergence of a popular candidate for the exalted stool while calling on the state’s helmsman to ignore detractors out to derail the progress of Ogbomoso.


“We equally love to place it on record that you have rightly endorsed a popular candidate and who is considered the best choice by the Ogbomoso people. Of course, Prince Ghandi is Ilu-femi-loye. We therefore want to commend you and subsequently inform you to ignore enemies of progress who are crying foul, they are only doing what they’re paid to do. He who pays the piper, dictates the tune.”

In similar vein OCYF salutes Prince Ghandi for his tenacity describing him as the Messiah for the development of Ogbomoso at this time. “The OCYF’s congratulatory message also goes to the king-elect, Prince Ghandi Olaoye, whom we believe is the Messiah that this land of the valiant has been waiting for. We salute your tenacious capacity and your sense of readiness to serve your forebears’ land and territories.”

The Soun-elect was charged to embrace his co-contestants and to work harmoniously with other traditional rulers for the overall development of the zone.


“Your Imperial Majesty, we want to recommend that you begin your journey by unifying Ogbomoso land and also be magnanimous towards those who competed against you on your way to the throne. Of a serious necessity is the need to create an atmosphere to rally all other kings in Ogbomoso geo-political zone, in order to be able to work together for the rapid development of the greater Ogbomoso city.

“Our dear King Ghandi Olaoye, the son of Orumogege, we pray that your reign shall be peaceful and it will usher in an unprecedented monumental turnaround. Once again, you are welcome to your home, we hope to see you jumping into action!”

Rejoicing with the entirety of the people of Ogbomoso the group stressed the crowning of new king in this generation calls for big celebration.

“To the good people of Ogbomoso land, let us celebrate with one another as the grand entry of the new king takes effect in our life time. Recall that some of those who witnessed the ascension to the throne of the former king, Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi, who became Soun of Ogbomoso in 1973, are not alive to see the beauty of this moment. Let us pour champagne with one another! Let us merry together! Let us wine and dine with one another!”

Meanwhile it has a word of advice for the aggrieved persons advising they should let go in the spirit of sportmanship. “OCYF wishes to advise those who are not satisfied with the government’s decision to kindly toe the path of law and never think of setting Ogbomoso ablaze.”

The group further warns, “We want to remind them that violence does not pay anyone. We want to inform the good people of Ogbomoso that Ogbomoso Community Youth Forum (OCYF) will work with the government and the security personnel on the fact that anyone who follows the path of public disturbance would be seriously dealt with according to the law. The age-long saying is that God crowns those He wishes are crowned. May God bless King Ghandi and Ogbomoso people.”

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