Patriotism: Possible reason for the new National Anthem, by Jide Akin tola

Patriotism: Possible reason for the new National Anthem, by Jide Akin tola


Being patriotic is; loving one’s country, deeper commitment to the welfare of co-compatriots or citizens, passion to serve one’s country, desire to compete with other nations among others. The word patriotism is tantamount to loyalty. A patriot will be loyal to his/her country in every respect. The spirit of patriotism was the driving force that assisted the nationalists to get Nigeria’s Independence in 1960. The same spirit led her to becoming a Republican state in 1963. The nationalists made the whole world to know that Nigeria is prone to development like other advanced countries of the world. This brought about the tour to Nigeria as contained in the reports of Phelps-strokes Commission of 1921. Citizens of the advanced countries of the world cannot compromise their loyalty to their nations for anything no matter how valuable; money, riches or gold. The patriotic spirit is fading off in Nigeria. Majority of our leaders are egocentric, they see leadership or political post as means of accruing wealth and securing better future for their children at the expense of the poor masses.


This menace is detrimental to democracy and kills more and faster than HIV/AIDS and boko haram. Because if Nigerians are patriotic, there will be no boko haram, bandits, kidnappers in our land. Patriots are not factional, regionalistic, tribal-bias, religiously partial and nepotistic in their leadership and political dealings. But this practice is a popular and well adopted one among Nigerian leaders. The patriotic spirit that is lacking among Nigerians has reversed the national anthem day-by-day. What can we say about the works of our heroes past? They brought us love, unity, peace, progress, togetherness among others, but what is the situation now? Lack of unity, peace, love and cries of break-up. Are we not working towards making the work of our heroes past to be in vain? Also, many Nigerians claim that to serve Nigeria is not by force, this is evident in the way many Nigerians discharge their duties lesser than expectations. Youth corps members are no longer discharging their duties well at places of their primary assignments. Security officers are no longer dedicated and faithful, the judiciary system is not exempted among others. But a part of Nigeria’s anthem says “to serve Nigeria with all my strength” can you see the havoc lack of patriotism has caused Nigeria? Instead of working in the direction to catch-up with developed countries of the world, we are pulling Nigeria down by lack of patriotic spirit every moment.


Maybe the above menace is one of the reasons for reintroducing the pre-independence Nigeria’s national anthem by the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration. Apart from the reintroduction of the pre-independence national anthem, the FGN should package reasonable living wage for workers and be proactive in making life more comfortable for Nigerians as it was while the reintroduced national anthem was originally in operation. This is a clarion call to political functionaries, religion leaders, Nigerian securities, judiciary, parents, children and all Nigerians to embrace the spirit of patriotism in totality to have a better Nigeria.


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