In pictures: 60th birthday celebration of Balogun Olugbon

In pictures: 60th birthday celebration of Balogun Olugbon


Abdulrasak BELLO


Sir Chief Olatunde Okelana JP, the Balogun Olugbon and a Knight of St. Bernard Commandery No 35, Chicago IL, USA who clocked 60 years on Wednesday, April 24, on Saturday, was joined by family and friends to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee in a lavish party at the Ogbomoso Recreation Club, POAT area.


The retired soldier and a Justice of the Peace of Oyo state put up a classy event that left the upscale guests with fond memories of nice moments.


Insight Celebrity our sister publication covered the event.


The Areago of Ogbomoso High Chief Samuel Sobalaje Otolorin @ the event
Onipakiotan of Pakistan HRH James Ojo
Sir Chief Olatunde Okelana JP
Chief Amstrong Olaleye, Agbaakin of Okin-Apa (third right), Prof Jide Ajao, a former Dean Faculty of Agriculture LAUTECH Ogbomoso (3rd left)



Ademola Kehinde (left) with Ademola Idowu
Prince Inaolaji Olayode (left) with Otunba Ahmed Gegele, CEO of Volcanic Network Limited and who is Otunba Akeweje of Okin Apa


The celebrant with Architect Yemi Aremu
Reading the citation

Tunde Akinola T-Fat (left)

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