Glamour, glitz as council boss, Obas, perm secs, legislators grace LAMHS interhouse sports

Image caption: Aro of Oko, Chief Jimoh Asimiyu presented the 1st prize trophy on behalf of Oloko of Oko Oba Adegoke Akinola, to captain of Pink House, overall winner of the merty

Glamour, glitz as council boss, Obas, perm secs, legislators grace LAMHS interhouse sports


The 15th annual athletic competition of Laogun Adeoye Memorial High School (LAMHS), Ogbomoso, held Thursday, March 7, was one filled with glitz and glamour taking cognizance of the level of organization, interplay of colours and quality of dignitaries in attendance.

The principal Mrs. Ojediran decorates
Ogbomoso South chairman with his award

To the credit of the school the event also unfurled in a peaceful atmosphere without the violence often associated with such events in recent years.


Among the dignitaries at the occasion are the Majority Leader of the Oyo State House of Assembly, Hon Sanjo Adedoyin (represented by Hon Tunde Ogunyoye); chairman of Ogbomoso South local government, Hon Oyedokun Timothy; Oloko of Oko, Oba Adegoke Akinola (represented by Chiefs Jimoh Asimiyu and Ajayi); Alaipo of Aipo Oba Thomas Onaolapo Ajadi (represented); Mrs. Ojo Olubunmi Omolara and the Laogun Adeoye family (represented by Mr. Bukola Adeoye).

Mr. Suulola receives certificate of his award

Some others are Mr. Olatunde Suulola (tutor-general TESCOM zonal office Ogbomoso); Prince Olalere Ajiboye (a retired permanent secretary); Prince Lekan Olawuyi (retired principal and a former chairman of chairmen of All Nigerian Confederation of Principals of Secondary Schools, ANCOPSS, Ogbomoso zone), Chief Simeon Ayoola Adepoju (Governing Board chairman of the school), Mr. Ojekanmi (a retired Head of Local Government Administration) as well as several retired and serving principals.


In her welcome address, principal, Mrs. Racheal Ojediran, appreciating guests, staff and students for their contributions towards the success of the meet and emphasizing the importance of sports, noted, “The primary focus inn many cases is academics, which certainly is an important aspect in building a student’s career and life but many fails to recognize the importance of sports. Extra-curricular activities and sports teach students many important life lessons. It teaches discipline, focus, dedication, hard work, commitment, teamwork. And it is our responsibility as adults to value sportsmanship and award the students to take action rather than focusing on winning or losing.”

She added, “Sports is an amazing concept that improves the lives of people. Students especially need to take part in sports that they find fun in because participating in sports will not only help them to improve their physical health but will also give them the mental energy to cope and study well. By playing sports, students release serotonin and other chemicals in the brain and because of this exertion, they will feel more rejuvenated every day. It will help them to stay fit and to have a healthy and positive life.”

The guest speaker, Deacon Adesoye Adedeji, who is a former principal of Ogbomoso Baptist High School, also enumerated the importance of sports including helping to maintain good health, keeping fit and building stamina, while adding, “the role of sport in academic development cannot be over-emphasized and it needs to be encouraged for the unity of our great Nigeria.”

Various awards of merit were conferred on individuals including Hon Oyedokun, Prince Ajiboye, Mr. Suulola, Prince Olawuyi, Rev’d Dr Paul Oladejo (Ayegun Baptist Church), Hon Sanjo Adedoyin, Oba Adegoke, PTA chairman, Elder D. Oyelekan, Mrs. Onifade and so on.

Suulola expressed satisfaction with the conduct of the event saying “the principal did not disappoint me.”

Coming top of the meet is the Pink (Adegoke) House, which garnered 219 points. Yellow (Oyelekan) House came second with 213 points, Blue (Oyedokun) House was third with 209 points while Green (Adeen) House brought up the rears with 170 scores.

In the invited schools relay race, the boys category had Ogbomoso High School, St. Ferdinand Grammar School and Methodist Secondary Grammar School coming first, second and third respectively, while in the female category, Methodist Secondary Grammar School, Ogbomoso High School and Idi-Araba Common High School came first, second, third respectively.

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