OCC celebrates Gen Popoola at 80

OCC celebrates Gen Popoola at 80




Top socio-cultural organization Ogbomosoland Consultative Council (OCC) has sent a congratulatory message to one of its leaders Major General (Dr) Oladayo Popoola (rtd), who Monday marked his 80th birthday in an elaborate way in Ibadan, Oyo state capital.


OCC is made up of prominent sons and daughters of Ogbomosoland with a mandate to spearhead development in the community. Its grandpatron is the Soun of Ogbomosoland His Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III.


In the message made available to ogbomosoinaightonline.com by its secretariat, the group expressed joy at the former military administrator of old Oyo and Ogun states reaching such milestone while wishing him more fruitful years.


The general is described in glowing terms eulogizing his sterling qualities including being hailed as a true patriot and exceptional leader.


Titled, “Hearty 80th birthday Maj Gen (Rtd) (Dr) Oladayo Popoola,” it is stated, “We celebrate you today as always a great icon and a true son of Ogbomosoland. A consumate professional and highly decorated military officer, an inspirational leader of men, an astute administrator, a visionary per excellence, a principled personality, a respected community leader, a promoter of peace and harmony, a humble man dedicated to the service of humanity.”


Popoola who was conferred with the Honorary Award of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Law by the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso in 2022, is now wished abundance of blessings in all fronts of human comfort.


“We wish you God’s bountiful blessings in continued good health, joy, and peace. Congratulations!”

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