Niger state ministry of education: Chasing shadow

Niger state ministry of education: Chasing shadow


The recent video of a primary school boy in a debate competition in a school in Niger state in which the boy lambasted the Tinubu government for its ineffectiveness in a brilliant and scholarly manner calls for a thorough appraisal.

A discerning mind will not ignore the content of the boy’s supportive argument, considering the plot of the event, an academic debate, and therefore applaud the boy and his teacher for a brilliant performance. Honestly, the boy displayed a mature mind and composure above primary school level!




It now becomes disheartning when we learned in the social media that the boy’s teacher, assistant headmistress and the headmistress of the school were summoned by the Niger state ministry of education for interrogation. This is too bad, unwarranted and can be likened to a mere chasing of the shadows instead of substance. If they cannot be praised they must not be punished.


Adewuyi, head teacher, FGC Staff School, Ogbomoso, sends this piece via 08130851574.

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