Alaaje gives security tips to Senior Citizens Fellowship, plans seminar for area boys

Image caption: Alaaje of Aaje Ologo, Oba Reuben Adesina Amao

Alaaje gives security tips to Senior Citizens Fellowship, plans seminar for area boys

Jeremiah OYELEKE

The Alaaje of Aaje Ologo, Ogbomoso North local government area of Oyo state, HRH Oba Reuben Adesina Amao Osunbiyi I JP, fss, was the guest speaker last Wednesday (November 4) at a meeting of the Senior Citizens Fellowship of Nigeria, Ogbomoso, Oyo state, at which he talked on how the elderly can avert being victims of security mishap prevalent in the country. reports two weeks ago the ex-director of the Department of State Services (DSS), also spoke on security situation at a programme of the Nigeria Union of Pensioners in Ogbomoso.

Rev’d Dr Adeniji, visioner of Senior Citizens Fellowship

In his lecture titled, “Senior citizens and security,” held at Glad Tidings Baptist Church, Randa, Oba Amao identified undue love for money as a trigger for the rampant crimes, averring if, “People worship money less especially youths there will be less urge for criminal activities.”

He regretted many people especially youths have abandoned the precepts of God saying this is why kidnapping, herdsmen killing, armed robbery and so on have witnessed a spike.

The monarch reading from Matthew 6:23 noted, “The Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you. But many do not imbibe this teaching.”

He disclosed money is a variable that is behind all major problems today, as he said, “Though the Bible says money is the root of all evils, nonetheless the Bible also says it answereth all things.”


He also pointed out, referring to the senior citizens, “But we share in the blame, during our youthful days, we abided with following the moral principle a lot but today this path is not being followed, less than five percent abide by it hence yahoo yahoo and other crimes being committed.”

He reiterated the call on governments at various levels to take security of life and property as a serious business just as he charged on the need to begin installation of CCTVs especially in areas prone to insecurity to curb incessant abductions in schools.

The founder and chairman of Abigael Ebun Asake Amao Widowhood Foundation (AEAAWF), further hammered on “vigilance, intelligence, credible information, good relationship with security agencies among others as other tips to forestall security mishaps.”

He underlined, “Terrorism is no respecter of political, religion or tribal affiliation. It only speaks violence. It is a monster that has penchant for sucking blood. Hence, security must be taken as a serious business by all.”

The congregation

The security expert consequently gave tips on how to prevent kidnapping including installation of CCTV cameras at homes for monitoring of environment, keeping emergency numbers on phones, refraining from giving mobile numbers to strangers or displaying same on social media, putting peephole in doors to identify people knocking before opening doors, ensuring locking of all doors at all time especially if you do not have fence or gate, be careful with conversations in public places and avoid bragging about your possessions such as money, alertness to suspicious or unusual behaviours in your vicinity and avoid keeping keys with untrusted neighbours or in unsecured places like under stones.

Others according to him are to keep bags safe and secured whether in the office, car or home, avoid huge cash transactions, avoid carrying black nylon or brown envelopes as they may attract criminals and be discreet in philanthropic gestures and to always exercise discretion and wisdom.

He urged parents to teach their children to refrain from admitting strangers into their homes, be familiar with local emergency phone numbers, familiarize themselves with their children’s friends, to avoid blind dates, eschew opening mails or packages, give personal information to strangers or on phones etc.

“In as much as we do not carry arms, we should be vigilant, use intelligence and credible information to minimize crimes and as well link up with security agencies including neighbourhood watch,” he concludes.

Rev’d Dr Amos Adeniji, the visioner for the fellowship, revealed he received the instruction from God in 2012. “I got the vision that as people grow old and become senior citizens they need to have heaven in view, that is the main vision. And by year 2013 we started the fellowship, so, it is ten years old already,” he said.

According to Rev’d Adeniji many elderly people are aware of the fellowship, as he lauded the guest speaker remarking the lecture dwelled on germane issues that would trigger a reorientation on how they perceive security henceforth.

“Like Kabiyesi Alaaje noted, security is everybody’s business, our people enjoyed the lecture,” he said, stressing. “the senior citizens have duties to pray unceasingly for the nation for God to take control of the security situation, advise the youths to live right, bring them closer and inculcate them with the right values.”

The retired cleric similarly urged the elderly to live right just as he encouraged others not in the fold to join, saying they have many gains to make in its programmes.

Rev’d Dr Zaccheus Ayanlere Falade in a chat with also commended the guest lecturer enjoining the elderly to continue to be ambassadors for Christ and seek peace and a more secured environment.

He observed however that some senior citizens contribute to the breakdown in morality among the youths submitting that many are negligent of imparting right moral values and meting out discipline to wayward children and youths. “When children know they will be punished for any wrongdoing they will toe the path of righteousness,” he said.

Rev’d Dr. Michael Ayanleke Alabi, stated, “The lecture is timely because everybody knows the country is enmeshed in the crisis of insecurity and it is the duty of the elderly to pray constantly for the nation. They are the ones that have the time for more prayer. They should be good examples so as to be emulated by the youths.”
Meanwhile, Oba Amao told his foundation AEAAWF has a programme in the pipeline that would address area boys’ menace in the society, slated for the later part of the year.

According to him, “We plan to hold a seminar for area boys, we will bring them in from junctions and their bases, speak with them with a view to changing their perspective about life. We will give them lectures, tell them they have it in them too to make positive impact in life and we will facilitate rehabilitation programme for them. As we care for the widows, widowers and the orphans in our foundation we also want to start with the so-called dregs of the society. We are looking to commence this programme in November.”

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