UNBELIEVABLE: This is 9:30pm, entrance exam into Science School Ogbomoso yet to conclude since 7am

UNBELIEVABLE: This is 9pm, entrance exam into Science School Ogbomoso yet to conclude since 7am


Tension has engulfed the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) venue of the entrance examination into the School of Science Ogbomoso, Oyo state as candidates who arrived at the venue since about 7am today (Saturday, August 19) to write the exam are still being held up igniting panicky parents and guardians to bombard the venue.

Some of the distraught candidates at the CBT centre

Information reaching ogbomosoinsightonline.com had indicated that the candidates numbering over 500 are still anxiously waiting at the Computer Based Centre (CBT) at LAUTECH to get their turn to write the exam.

Ogbomoso Insight learned the problem is not unrelated with server network as questions for the examination could not be downloaded.


The examination is conducted in all the Schools of Science across the state today implying prospective students would take similar questions.

“Unfortunately however,” a source close to the authority of the school told ogbomosoinsightonline.com, “We have problem of network with the server and that is the cause of the delay.”

The source assured however that the exam would be concluded tonight disclosing, “Yes, they just brought another server from Ibadan and the exam has commenced in earnest and it is certain we will complete the conduct tonight ”

Many of the students are tagged out and taking a nap

The exam is annually conducted by the Oyo state Ministry of Education with prospective students mostly from various public secondary schools (JSS 3). It is believed the school is a shade better and cheaper in view of lower tuition charged compared to private schools.


The examination used to be manual but few years ago it was switched to Computer Based Test (CBT) and so arrangement was made with LAUTECH for the use of theur CBT centre with the server where the questions would be shared to candidates via computers being brought from the ministry.

A parent who simply identified himself as Mr. Adekunle at the venue told ogbomosoinsightonline.com that some frustrated parents and guardians became agitated in the evening and were on the verge of causing uproar before they were calmed.


“There are some students who came alone,” Mr. Adekunle continued, “What would be the state of mind of their parents? This is sympomatic of the rot in the education sector in the state. How could an important exam of that nature involving JSS 3 students be haphazardly organized? What are we telling the candidates? What are we teaching them that simple exam we can’t organize as adults? If you look around you will see many of the children lying down to sleep, many are hungry, it is bad, so bad.”

In the meantime students are already being ushered into the centre but in batches to commence the exam.

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