New Soun: Now we are moving, now that our governor has spoken

New Soun: Now we are moving, now that our governor has spoken
Finally, we can stir forth. The journey towards the crowning of a new Soun of Ogbomosoland can resume again with vigour after an unfortunate lull of eight and a half months.

Governor Makinde

The Oyo state governor Engr. Seyi Makinde has finally found his groove, he has discovered his voice on the vexatious matter, giving a condition that if met will bring the process to a near-agreeable close.
A tough call though, but at least a template has been floated to activate a forward movement. This is a big relief emanating from the helmsman, the “Superpower” of Oyo state. For over seven months he gave an ominous “silent treatment” on the issue which disturbed and discomfited a lot of Ogbomoso people. The first time he spoke on the matter, that was last month, during a live radio interview, he was obviously not anticipating the interview would dove into the issue of Soun. This was clear in his response, a careful analysis would depict a Chief Executive caught off guard, as he struggled, audibly, anger creeping into his tone, to give an answer. It was evidently not vintage Makinde that particular moment! No hassle, we all have our off day!
But in Ogbomoso last Thursday, during a townhall meeting with the Peoples Democratic Party stakeholders he was back in his elements, in control, boisterous as he reeled an unambiguous verdict regarding the sensitive issue – withdraw all court cases and l will approve the new Soun!
Prince Ghandi

Since March 22 this year, the kingmakers had forwarded the name of Prince Afolabi Ghandi Olaoye as their choice of new Soun.
People expected speedy action but the reverse is the case. Expectedly, those who lost out in the contest and their supporters cried foul, they alleged manipulation of the process in favour of Prince Ghandi, called the kingmakers especially their head, High Chief Sobalaje Otolorin, derisive names, to drive home their displeasure. Petitions flew off in torrents by sections of the family bitterly opposed to Ghandi. But to the vast majority of Ogbomoso citizens, Ghandi is found agreeable on the bases of his acclaimed exposure, connections (nationally and internationally), wealth, education and what have you. Though relatively unknown (previously), his exciting credentials, made him an instant hit.

Like the Yoruba say when one lingers endlessly on faeces odious flies begin to perch on one, and if an issue tarries unattended to, new insights creep in, the matter of new Soun assumed new dimensions as court cases were instituted to thwart the effort of the kingmakers. Between March and July there was no legal case on the matter and that is why many opine that had the governor moved swiftly, court cases wouldn’t have sprung up until after the installation. More intriguing, why did he wait so long before he spoke?
And so now, why is the governor hinging his withholding assent on withdrawal of court cases? Never to bother on that anyway!
The important thing in the circumstances is that His Excellency has now spoken. He has graciously charted a path forward. The question then is where are the elders? Where are the patriots? Who will bear influence on those who nurse discontent and animosity towards the process that produced a nominee? They have genuine grounds of course and that is why they approached the courts. Do we have dispassionate, respected patriots, elders, who have the wherewithal to pacify the aggrieved?
High Chief Otolorin

Ogbomoso needs to move forward, it’s already losing out – in this period of electioneering campaigns, there is no arrowhead to forge alliances on behalf of the community, a rallying point that would negotiate goodies for the realm.
That is why those who are malcontent should be magnanimous and take solace in the fact that crowning of a king is in the hand of God. After all it’s not as if Ghandi is not Laoye; he is a true Prince of Laoye Ruling House, whose great grandfather reigned as Soun. That is indisputable. All the twenty-two contestants are eminently qualified but inevitably only one will have his pate wear the diadem. Only God’s process is infallible even then some elements from hell have also always found it convenient to challenge the Omniscient. So, who are the afobajes that their decision will be totally copacetic and satisfactory to all? Chiefs Laws were circumvented? Yes but a wiseman once noted, “Justice and fairness have never had weight enough in the affairs of men, and only interest can be trusted.”
Governor Makinde has thrown down the gauntlet – a daunting one from a wise man for that matter – the Ogbomoso patriots need to step up and wade in now, to “beat” the governor at this game. Everyone knows that Obaship contest is many times associated with legal tussle and that is why the Makinde model is a huge challenge.
Nonetheless, the governor can help Ogbomoso in outflanking him by bringing down his influence and known prodigiousness to bear on the matter to help the aggrieved, to achieve his goal of “No victor, no vanquished” in the manner Ibadan’s own was achieved earlier in the year.
In the final analysis Ogbomoso has always risen above its challenges hence the “never conquered” mantra!
On the issue of the enthronement of a new Soun it’s time to sit askance in a vehicle to take a deserved rest, few days to a year remembrance of the last occupier of the throne the inimitable Oba (Dr) Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade lII JP CON CFR (May 27, 1926 – December 12, 2021).
It’s time to move forward so we can confidently sing again, “A de nu oko asimi…”

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