Olugbon: We need wisdom to actualize Yoruba nation, speaks on Igangan massacre, Sunday Igboho

In this interview by ogbomosoinsightonline.com, via WhatsApp chatting, the Olugbon of Orile-Igbon, HRM Oba Francis Olusola Alao, speaks on the burning issue of insecurity in the country saying the “mess” has become unacceptable. The vice president of the Oyo State Council of Obas and Chiefs also touches the issues of Igangan massacre, alleged Fulanization agenda, relationship with Yoruba freedom fighter, Chief Sunday Adeyemi a.k.a. Sunday Igboho, Yoruba self-determination and other sundry matters. Excerpts:

How do you react to the Igangan carnage allegedly carried out by Fulani herdsmen last weekend in which many people lost their lives and properties worth millions of naira destroyed or burnt?
It’s very gruesome and wickedly.

Is this part of what you have been calling attention to?
Absolutely! We have called the attention of the government several times to work out a new security architecture that would address all this criminality going in the country particularly Oyo state. We cannot continue this way, things must be properly restructured and a well secured Nigeria designed.

Are you satisfied with the response of the government?
I m not satisfied and I believe the generality of Nigerians are worried the way things are going.

Do we accept things like these as normal because the Federal Government under whose control is all security agencies have failed to rise to the occasion?
The situation is unacceptable, we shall continue to talk to our leaders to have a rethink and position the country in a better perspective for all of us to co-exist peacefully.

Taking cognizance of the assumed lackadaisical attitude of the Federal Government towards curtailing the outrageous attacks by Fulani bandits against indigenous people, do we begin to believe the insinuation that there is a grand plan to Fulanize the country even as alluded to by former President Olusegun Obasanjo and a former Chief of Army Staff, General T.Y. Danjuma, some few years ago?
We all blame government most especially politicians for putting us into this mess because what we are experiencing today is all about bad leadership. In some quarters I want to believe the perception of Fulani Islamisation because of the personalities that have come out to accuse those in power but at the same time I see it as a conspiracy theory that will not stand the test of time. Nigeria is too big for a section of the country to have so much hold and believe they can Islamize it except they want the country to break up taking cognizance of our ethnic and religion diversities.

Kabiyesi, how would you advise the people who are vulnerable to attacks by these bandits and herdsmen, should they continue to look up to government for their security or should they begin to organize themselves to defend themselves?
Even though there is a limit to human endurance my advice to our people is to apply restraint and be law-abiding pending the time a lasting solution is put in place. We are talking to people in power and we shall continue to do so.

Chief Sunday Adeyemo a.k.a. Sunday Igboho has always sounded your praise, what special relationship exists between you?
Sunday Adeyemo alias Sunday Igbohso is my son and I will always be proud of him because he respect elders. He’s very courageous and has a lot of native intelligence. We are very close, but at the same time I do advise him wisely.

Kabiyesi, you have been canvassing unity in Ogbomoso zone, and it seems it is having positive effect, are you satisfied with the response?
Absolutely I m satisfied but a lot needs to be done in order for us to co-exist peacefully. God will help us and perfect all that concerns us.

What is you take on the Yoruba self-determination agitation?
I agree with most of their points but we need to apply wisdom in order for us to achieve it.

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