5 tips for joyful living in 2021, by Rev’d Oyeniran

As the year 2021 gets underway amid several challenging situations, the minister-in-charge of Caretaker Baptist Church, Ogbomoso, Rev’d Dr. Sunday Oyeniran has unfolded five tips for Christians and all men in general to live a stress-free life in the year 2021.

These tips if imbibed by Nigerians will sure give them peace of mind and joy as the economy moves from worse to worst and in the face of covi-d-19 pandemic that is undergoing resurgence around the world.
Rev’d Oyeniran unveiled the tips during his first Sunday service sermon at the church on Sunday, January 3, while speaking on the topic, “The God of all possibilities,” with text from Luke 1:31-37, which is a strand of the church’s theme for the year 2021, “The covenant season of divine possibility.”
The man of God highlighted five facts about God which he emphasized are what Christians need to leverage on for an all round success in the new year. He emphasizes that with God all what appears impossible are made possible!
The five keys or facts about God for a joyful living according to him are as follows:
1. Realize that “He (God) is the all powerful God.” Psalm 147: 5; Psalm 62:11. He says that God is the one that can change one’s future for the better, and so, people should not allow Satan to rob them of their courage in God in the year. If anything worries or concerns you, reach out to God, the cleric says, and you will have solution if you apply faith.
2. Understand that “God is the creative God.” Genesis 1:1-3. He asserts God is capable of creating a joyful 2021 for His children if they believe in Him. Believe wholly in God without hesitating and wait on God to do wonders, he assures.
3. He (God) is all knowing God. John 21:17. The man of God affirms that God knows everything and that before you go to Him in prayer He knows about it, just trust Him to turn your situation around.
4. He (God) is all sufficient God. God promises to supply all our needs according to Philippians 4:19. “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (New International Version Bible). Why then will a child of God worry and be deprived of peace all around with such wonderful assurance from the all sufficient God!
5. He (God) is the God of all hope in the face of hopelessness. Luke 7:13-20. In God alone is hope and so in the face of life’s storms, one should hope in God to have calm.

Rev’d. Oyeniran prayed that every failed heart will be restored this year assuring God will turn every hopeless situation around for good.

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