‘Let us believe, let us hope,’ Femi Onireti’s New Year message to Nigerians

I congratulate Nigerians on the immeasurable grace granted to us by the Almighty God to enter the Year 2021. To Him alone be all honour and adoration.
The Year 2020 was a tough one; it was a challenging year that would continue to rankle in memory because of the covid-19 pandemic that ravaged the world, from coast to coast, border to border. But that I could pen this message and that you could read it shows God’s mercy over us, He spared us in the face of certain death. Millions died but here we are still kicking. To Him be all glory! Amid the coronavirus chaos, in Nigeria we were still faced with our peculiar problems such as bloody Endsars protests, wave of insecurity, hunger, anger, unabated road carnage, spiral inflation, failed promises etc but in all, the Almighty continues to envelope us in love, we survived and we will continue to survive.
As we enter into a new year I encourage us to continue to believe and hope. Believe we should believe because in it lays strength, the strength we need to wade through this challenging time. We should believe that our situation will turn around for the better. We should hope, never losing steam in the belief of a better Nigeria and improved living. Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II, hysterically shouted to some school boys, when his country tottered in the face of the furious German Army in 1941: “Never give up, never, never, never, never, never, never, give up,” and because of that, his country was saved of capitulation as the fortunes of war turned in their favour and the allied army’s. Just because he never gave up! We should not give up in spite of the perils we are facing up to as Nigerians. We should continue to hope.
On our part at Femi Onireti Foundation, we will continue to make social and infrastructural interventions to make our little impact and relieve the stress weighing down our people. We will not relent as long as we are blessed of God. People are the fulcrum of our programmes and we will never take a back step in touching lives in our little way.
I also want to urge us to continue to support and cooperate with Oyo State governor, Engineer Seyi Makinde, as he strives to build a new Oyo State. He is a man borne by vision and mission and we should not cease in praying for him to succeed in his endeavours to lead Oyo State to the Promised Land. He governs with the fear of God and executes programmes, projects and policies based on altruistic reasons; he is never ruled by emotion or sentiment but by reason. He is a man who attained success in private life; I beseech us to support him to achieve success in public life too.
I pray the Year 2021 will be a year of blessing we never experienced, our glory shall shine forth, we shall experience peace, happiness, success and all good things our heart desire. May God protect us through the year! I wish us a prosperous Year 2021.
Femi Onireti

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