Subsidy removal: Kwara reverts to five workdays

Subsidy removal: Kwara reverts to five workdays



The Kwara State government has revoked its directive that reduced working days from five days to three days for civil servants following the removal of fuel subsidy by the federal government.

Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq of Kwara State.

The state government had recently reduced civil servant work days to relieve the impact of the fuel subsidy removal on civil servants in the state.


However, a letter signed by Okedare Adeyinka for the Head of Service, Susan Oluwole, to the state’s heads of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) on Wednesday, June 26, reversed the directive, allowing the federal government and organised labour to work out modalities for more efficient interventions to mitigate the effect of the subsidy removal.

“I am therefore directed to inform all Heads of Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) that the reduced number of working days has been reversed; hence, all categories of workers are to observe the normal five working days per week, with effect from July 10, 2023,” the letter read.


“Workers not covered in the initial workday reduction, which lasted a few days, will have stipends given to them as a show of appreciation.”

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