Sunday Igboho counters: I was not arrested, and the other matters

Contrary the news making the rounds, Yoruba freedom fighter, Chief Sunday Adeniyi Adeyemo, has said that he was not arrested by security forces
News emanated yesterday evening that the man fondly called Sunday Igboho had been caught by men of the Department State Security (DSS) at Guru Maharaji Temple, along Lagos-Ibadan exepeessway, with the news expectedly generating a lot of buzzi in the social media.
But in a short video available to the Yoruba nation leading agitator debunked the rumour stating that he was rather at his residence in Ibadan.
He said, “There is a rumour that l have been arrested at Guru Maharaji, l didn’t go there o, l am at my home in Ibadan, evil will not overcome anyone,” he asserted in Yoruba language.
It will be recalled that his residence in Soka, Ibadan, was attacked by men of the DSS and Nigerian Army even as eyewitnesses claimed there were foreign mercenaries who fluently spoke French, in the early hours of July 1, during which some domestic staff and followers of the freedom fighter were killed and some others taken away including children and women.
There are also reports that the security operatives, when they could not find Igboho, ridiculousy went away with his cats believeing he had through metaphysical powers turned into such pets.
It was similarly gathered that the government forces destroyed all CCTV cameras in the expansive building while failing to wear ones their own, before commencing the operation at about 1am on the said day.
Meanwhile, close to 24 hours later, the DSS held a press briefing in which it claimed weapons and ammunitions as well as charms were recovered from Igboho’s house.
This has however been disputed as Sunday Igboho alleged they were either planted or retrieved from the security agencies’ armoury to implicate him.
Many commentators have also faulted the claim stressing that if the CCTV had not been destroyed by the invading security forces or they had put on body cameras themselves, and what transpired was recorded, there wouldn’t have been any basis to doubt the allegations.

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