Soun controversy: Exploring out-of-court settlement

Soun controversy: Exploring out-of-court settlement
Sociologically, conflict is normal and deviance is a way of life. We also disagree to agree. However, there should be an inbuilt mechanism for conflict resolution apart from litigation in the law court. The issue of new Soun has generated conflicts among the various ruling houses which have resulted in court cases. And this is delaying the installation of a new monarch. Though the governor who is to assent to new Soun nominated by the kingmakers has proposed out-of-court settlement, which is a good thing as it will foster spirit of understanding. Anger against brothers should not be felt on the bones but rather in the marrow. The families should realize they are brothers, who descended from the same progenitor,Soun Ogunlola, and so should learn to settle their differences amicably.

The kingmakers should address the grievances of the aggrieved and negotiate with the new king for redress. Particularly, the issue of the three ruling houses that are expunged from ruling should be addressed. The new king is a man of God and he should be able to smoke peace pipe among the contending ruling houses to reach a compromise for the sake of peace and Ogbomosoland that he is coming to rule. My belief is that it is the design of God to use a man of God who Prince Ghandi is said to be, to revive some controversial issues in Ogbomoso, even those that concern other sectoral obas in Ogbomoso conglomerate like Oba Sunday Oyediran Lagbami Osekun, an evangelist Oba, is reviving Ijeruland. Perhaps we are going back to theocracy, an old system used by God in ruling His people through His annointed men as kings before the people demanded their own chosen king that paved way for despotism that is rampant today.
Therefore, the kingmakers and Ogbomoso elders and patriots should address the issue of the aggrieved dispassionately with a view to forging compromise so that peace will reign and the new Oba will be installed after agreement has been reached. Long live Ogbomoso, the land of the valiant.
Adenu oko asinmi.

Adewuyi sends this piece from Ogbomoso. 08130851574.

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