Broken roads, crumbling highways, broken promises: Ogbomoso desperately pleads for political intervention, by Sayò ÀLÀGBÉ

Broken roads, crumbling highways, broken promises: Ogbomoso desperately pleads for political intervention, by Sayò ÀLÀGBÉ


Sayo Àlàgbé, a media practitioner, author and publisher is the CEO, Timfred Communications Nig Ltd. He could be reached on 07039535757, 08144992727.




THERE IS no doubt about it that this is not the best of time for Ogbomoso inhabitants and the motorists. From gridlock to constant accidents between trucks and public transporters and the pedestrians. It is a constant nightmare that has refused to cease!


THE deplorable condition of the llorin – Ogbomoso highways, most importantly, the section of the road from Takie Square to the facade of Bowen Hospital, Ogbomoso, which stretches to Caretaker-Agric axis; has thrown the ancient city of Ogbomoso into a state of unrest and ghost of its former self. The poor state of these roads is not just an issue of inconvenience for local commuters; it has far-reaching consequences beyond physical descriptions and literary allusions. It affects the entire engagements, entertainment, economic, religion activities and and socio-political landscape of the town.


MOREOVER, the chaos caused by the gridlocks on the Ogbomoso highways has also drawn attention to the local political leaders, many of whom hold federal elective positions and appointments. The people of Ogbomoso cannot but question their socio-political leaders’ roles and relevance in finding lasting solutions to the problem; as the damages caused by the diversion of traffic, compromising heavy duty trucks and petrol tankers, from the major federal roads to state and local government constructed roads, are devastating. This has brought about disruption in daily plans and movement charts of community members.



SIGNIFICANTLY, the Ilorin – Ogbomoso highways were once a vital artery that connects the northern states of Nigeria to the Southwest axis enroute Ibadan, Lagos and Ogun state and their boosting their major hubs of economic activities. Motorists coming from the northern states who cannot access the major road to Ibadan and Lagos or those going to Lagos through Ogbomoso; have found themselves resort to alternative routes, penetrating and destroying once beautiful township roads. These township roads, which were never designed to handle such heavy traffic, are being overburdened, stressed, eroded, leading to further deterioration of the town’s infrastructure, general peace, and overall aesthetic.


THE effect has brought about negative implications on Ogbomosoland – which now looks isolated like the aftermath of devastation. Insightful is the fact that businesses have been paralyzed, pedestrians are being subjected to untold hardship and suffering due to the denied accessibility, and commuters are forced to endure long, arduous journeys through roads riddled with potholes, debris, and flood whenever it rains. It is all muddy affair! The lack of maintenance and attention to these roads have transformed what should be a basic public service into significant issues that impact the day-to-day life of every resident of Ogbomoso and its environment.



THIS deplorable and degradation are not only physical, descriptive but psychologically demeaning. The town’s residents live in constant uncertainty, perpetual fear, unsure of when the situation will improve, or if it will ever be a thing of the past. The uneasy calm that has settled over the town is a manifestation of the frustration and hopelessness felt by many. At the birth of each day, the worsening road situation grows wing, hope is dashed and the inhabitants become forlorn.


WITHOUT mincing words, the economic implications of the deplorable condition of the highways are severe. Ogbomoso, once a thriving town with potentials for growth; attributed to its strategic location along major national transport routes, has seen a decline in business activities but growing crime rates. The movement of goods and services has been severely hampered, with transport costs at hyper rates, as drivers and logistics companies struggle with the poor conditions of the roads. Many businesses that depend on regular transport of goods are experiencing delays, damage to goods on transit, and increased costs; which largely contribute to decline in their profit margins.


FURTHERMORE, the cost of transportation has also sky-rocketed. What used to be a simple journey has now become a costly and exhausting endeavor, as commercial drivers increase their fares to account for vehicle wear and tear caused by the bad roads. This has made it more expensive for people to go about their daily activities, from going to work, visiting family, or attending to other public and personal matters.



THE socio-economic cost of these poor road conditions is equally dehumanizing. The poor state of the roads has caused a significant increase in road accidents, leading to injuries and even fatalities. Many vehicles have been wrecked. Lives are being lost as if it is survival of the fittest. Also of great concern is the medical emergency services that are delayed or denied accessibility due to the difficult terrain, exacerbating the issue. Notably, the township roads, which were meant to serve local traffic, are now filled with heavy-duty trucks, trailers, and buses; trying to find alternative routes. These vehicles are not only destroying the roads the more, but also endangering the lives of primary and secondary schools students, pedestrians and local motorists. Residents are increasingly afraid to allow their children to walk or play near the roads, turning what should be safe communal spaces into dangerous zones.


IN the midst of this chaos, the question cannot but arise: what are the politicians that occupy various elective positions at federal and state levels doing? The searchlight cannot but beam on and the nagging question focuses on Senator Omotayo Fatai Buhari, a third term Senator representing Oyo North Senatorial District, Honourable Olamijuwonlo Ayodeji Alao-Akala, the honourable representing Ogbomoso North, Ogbomoso South and Orire Federal Constituency; coupled with Honourable Makanjuola Smato representing Surulere – Ogo Oluwa Federal Constituency and the four Oyo State House of Assembly members; on steps taken to address this critical situation?



IMPORTANCE must be attached to the fact that the people of Ogbomoso have been pushed to the wall, thus, the need to express their growing frustration at the apparent apathy and absence of pragmatic approach or course of action from their elected officials. As representatives of the town at the federal and state levels, these politicians are expected to champion the cause of their constituents and ensure that essential services such as road infrastructure are maintained. The era of using election season and electoral cycle to canvas for votes have gone. We are in the era of methods, not muscles. The time to act and pronounce their political relevance and significance is now, not later.


AS a matter of fact, the silence or inaction of many of these leaders has led to a growing sense of betrayal among the people. Ogbomso residents are now calling on their elected officials to come together and contribute to repairing the roads on their own, without waiting for the intervention of the Federal Ministry of Works or the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA). This is not only shameful or ridiculous, it is inhumane. The people are beginning to realize that relying on federal agents or bodies, which have consistently failed to address the issue, may not be the most effective strategy. Instead, they are urging the various association or community leaders to pool resources, mobilize local efforts, and engage in collaborative problem-solving; to bring the roads back to life and safe haven to play.


IT is not uncommon for communities to rally around issues that directly affect their daily lives and general well-being. As a result , Ogbomoso is no exception. The call for local politicians to take matters into their own hands is a reflection of the growing disillusion and hopelessness with the central government’s inability to address local needs assessed. The people of Ogbomoso are demanding accountability and action, and they are no longer willing to wait for bureaucratic processes to run their course, while their town and affected communities continue to suffer.


IN the meantime, there are couples of innovative ways the local leaders and residents of Ogbomoso can embrace to address the deplorable condition of the highways and township roads. To begin with, the local government and elected representatives need to establish a public-private partnership to fund the repair and maintenance of the roads. By engaging local businesses, contractors, and even international development agencies, they could raise the necessary funds to undertake immediate repairs. This would not only alleviate the current road crisis, but also provide a blueprint for future infrastructure development in the town.


MOREOVER, local leaders can mobilize community efforts, by organizing road repair initiatives that involve the residents themselves. While large-scale repairs would require professional input, smaller-scale initiatives such as patching potholes or clearing debris could be undertaken by community members with support from local government officials. This would foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among the people, ensuring that the roads are maintained in the long term.


ON a final note, political leaders must work together to champion the inclusion of Ogbomoso roads in federal and state yearly road construction budgets. While the people of Ogbomoso are calling for immediate action from their elected officials, the long-term solution lies in securing federal funding for the rehabilitation of the major highways. By presenting a united front and demonstrating the urgent need for road repairs, Ogbomso’s representatives can mount pressures on the relevant authorities to allocate the necessary resources.


BEYOND the metaphorical descriptions of our current plights and shame, the current state of the Ilorin-Ogbomso highways is one of the symptoms of larger national problems of neglect and mismanagement. The people of Ogbomoso are living in a state of frustration and unease; as they grapple with the consequences of poor road infrastructure. While they have placed their hopes in their elected leaders to bring about change, the time for waiting has passed. It is now up to the local politicians to take decisive action, with or without federal intervention, to restore the town’s state of art roads and bring relief to the community. The fate, future and prospects of Ogbomoso rest on the abilities of the political representatives to rise to the challenge and lead Ogbomoso out of the present predicaments. A stitch in time, as the saying goes; saves nine.

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