Shock as 6yr old snatches money at party, caught fleeing

Shock as 6yr old boy snatches money at party, caught while fleeing


People were aghast this Thursday evening at the premises of a secondary school in Oke-Owode axis Ogbomoso Oyo state as a six year old∗ boy was caught fleeing after allegedly snatching money from a woman at a wedding party.
According to eyewitnesses the tiny boy (name withheld) was prowling the party venue when the woman brought out her money bag and was counting some crisp notes when the boy suddenly swooped on her to forcefully take the money and fled.


“It was like a film from Nollywood,” an eyewitness told

“The boy in ankara not more than 6 years old just snatched the money being counted from the woman and took to his heels.

“If not for the onlookers he would have made away with the money which would not be less than N10, 000 (ten thousand naira).”

People pursued him as was already on ground when he was being chased, by both elderly and young persons. They were hot on his heels.


Fleet footed in fact he ran about 200 metres before he was caught.

He was given a good beating confessing he truly snatched the money but that he had dropped the notes while attempting to escape.

“What is your name?” He was asked by Ogbomoso Insight.

He gave his name (withheld).

He informed he was in primary two at a private school in the vicinity.

His pockets were ransacked but no money was found as he claimed he had dropped the loot with the victim admitting she had retrieved her money.

Some people meanwhile pleaded he should not be beaten (after he had received some hot anger-inspired slaps) even as those who knew his parents informed he lacked nothing at home.

A woman lamented expressing shock: “His father and mother take good care of him o,” while disclosing “It is a spiritual problem.”

The woman remarked that was not the boy’s first time, “In school, in the neighbourhood, it has become a recurrent issue with the boy. It must be a spiritual problem,” with the crowd that had gathered shuddering in sympathy.

However he was eventually set free even as some mulled the idea of his being handed over to security agents.

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