‘Melody sweeter than best song!’ Pastor Henry Newman celebrates wife Folashade @ 50

‘Melody sweeter than best song!’ Pastor Henry Newman celebrates wife Folashade @ 50

“PHN,” as Pastor Henry Newman is fondly called in this piece rejoices over the Golden Jubilee celebration of his dear wife, Folashade Newman. The undershepherd in charge of the Jesus Assembly of All Saints Int’l, Grace Plaza, Osogbo, Osun state, Nigeria, he pours out encomium, his indescribable feelings, embodying his eternal love for her. His thoughts on the Golden Woman are romantic set in irresistible lyrical lines. In one line he says she’s “a melody sweeter than the best song ever played.” It’s celebration of love, further reflected in several such lines as “Each day with you is a new verse in the best poetry ever composed.” Come along.


On this special day, I just want to say that waking up next to you is like winning the lottery every day. You’re not just the icing on the cake of my life; you’re the whole delicious cake itself! 🎂


They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but for me, it’s you. You’re my gem, my treasure, and my partner in all things goofy and glorious. You have a soul that shines brighter than any diamond, a heart that beats with love and laughter, and a spirit that’s just downright enchanting.


As the years pass, you only become more wonderful and lovely. It’s like you’ve found the secret potion of eternal awesomeness, and I’m just grateful to be sipping from the same cup. If there were words to describe the depth of my love for you, I’d probably need a thesaurus and a poetic license. 😄


But hey, actions speak louder than words, right? So, here’s to showing you how much you mean to me every single day. You’re not just the best thing that ever happened to me; you’re the reason I believe in fairy tales, and you’ve turned my life into the most enchanting love story.


Each day with you is a new verse in the best poetry ever composed, a melody sweeter than the best song ever played, and a masterpiece painted with the vibrant hues of our shared laughter.

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As God adds another candle to your cake, may your days continue to sparkle, your dreams continue to flourish, and your heart always find joy in the simple and extraordinary moments. Happy birthday, my love, and here’s to things only getting BETTER for you!

Cheers to a day as fabulous as you are and a year ahead filled with more love, laughter, and incredible adventures together.


With all my love and a gazillion birthday hugs and kisses, FOLASHADE MY JEWEL OF INESTIMABLE VALUE ( PHN).



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