Int’l Youth Day: NYCN urges boost in ‘digital infrastructure,’ as it visits Insight, NTA 

Int’l Youth Day: NYCN urges boost in ‘digital infrastructure,’ as it visits Insight, NTA 






National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Ogbomoso Zone chapter, has urged governments and other stakeholders to ensure provision of digital infrastructure to nurture youths in digital innovation, noting this is in line with the theme of the 2024 International Youth Day – “Youth Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development.”


This appeal, contained in a message delivered during a visit to the office of The Insight/Ogbomoso Insight at Osupa Eleko Junction, Ogbomoso, Wednesday, and signed by the chapter’s president, general secretary and PRO, Comrades Oyewusi Mathew, Oyekunle Abdulganniy and Odetunde Stephen respectively, observed the theme highlights the important role of digital technology and innovation in forging sustainable development.

Editor of The Insight (second right) being presented with the message on the theme of IYD 2024 by chairman of Ogbomoso zone chapter of NYCN Comrade Matthew Oyewusi. To the right is Jeremiah Oyeleke a.k.a. Baba Ihinrere (crew member of The Insight) while some other exco members of NYCN are to the left

Stressing Information Technology (IT) is the major driver of global transformation, the group commended the Nigerian youths for leveraging on IT to contribute to national development, as it asserted this is evident in different areas.


It submits however that more still needed to be done to maximize the benefits inherent in digital economy hence calling on governments and community leaders to invest in digital infrastructure, enhance digital education and training, provide funds, support public-private partnership and enact supportive policies.


“This theme underscores the crucial role that digital technology and innovation play in fostering sustainable development, particularly in an era where Information Technology (IT) is at the heart of global transformation. The NYCN Ogbomoso Zone recognizes the remarkable strides Nigerian youth have made in harnessing the power of IT to drive national development, contributing to advancements in various sectors such as agriculture, education, health, and finance.


“We take this opportunity to appreciate and applaud the youth who have not only embraced digital tools but have also pioneered innovative solutions that address local and global challenges. From tech startups to digital platforms enhancing service delivery, Nigerian youth have demonstrated resilience, creativity, and a forward-thinking mindset that promises a brighter future for our nation.


“Their contributions are evident in the growing digital economy, which has become a significant contributor to Nigeria’s GDP. The youth’s ability to leverage IT has led to the creation of new job opportunities, improved access to essential services, and the democratization of information.


“However, to sustain and amplify these achievements, it is imperative that the government at all levels plays a more active role in supporting youth digital innovation. We call on the federal, state, and local governments to create an enabling environment that nurtures and supports young innovators. For this to be achieved, we opine that the underlisted are done / taken into consideration: Investing in digital infrastructure: The government at all levels and community leaders must synergize to ensuring that all regions have access to reliable internet and digital tools necessary for innovation; and enhancing education and training: All stakeholders must supporting programs that equip youth with the skills needed to thrive in the digital economy, including coding, robotics, data analysis, and digital marketing.


“Providing funding and resources: The government must see to the disbursement of grants, loans, and incubation programs that help young entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life; encouraging public-private partnerships: There is need to foster collaborations between the government, private sector, and educational institutions to create opportunities for youth in tech-driven industries; and ensuring policy support: policies that protect digital innovations and intellectual property while encouraging the ethical use of technology need to be enacted.


“As we celebrate this year’s International Youth Day, the NYCN Ogbomoso Zone remains committed to advocating for the youth and ensuring they have the necessary support to continue driving innovation. We believe that with the right support, our youth can transform challenges into opportunities, leading Nigeria to a more prosperous and sustainable future.”


The media tour, according to a press release made available to, also took the delegation to the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Ogbomoso, where it was received by the officer-in-charge, Mr. Kamorudeen Abdulraif.


Comrade Oyewusi while being received by The Insight’s editor, Mr. Femi Ogunlana, said the visit was to strengthen the ties between the NYCN and media organizations, expressing deep appreciation for the media’s efforts in amplifying the voices of young people and showcasing their contributions towards sustainable development.


“The media has consistently shown commitment to the youth’s cause, providing a platform for our activities and ensuring that our efforts at driving sustainable development are not only acknowledged but also celebrated. This partnership is crucial as we work towards harnessing digital innovations for the betterment of our community,” Oyewusi said.


In his speech, Mr. Ogunlana while encouraging the youths challenged them to come up with feasible ideas to meet the local challenges and needs of the local community such as “the waning lack of interest in educational pursuit among secondary school students and making efforts to achieve the goal of turning Ogbomoso especially into a digital hub.”


He added, “I believe there is no problem that does not have a solution, some people only need to think deeply to come up with solutions,” urging them to continue “to work cooperatively to achieve their objective of changing the narrative in the society. Nigeria is in the doldrums, we need youths to challenge the status quo and change the scenario. Let’s turn Ogbomoso into a digital hub.“


Other activities lined up for the week are novelty match on Thursday, on Friday Jumat Service, annual lecture and award presentation on Saturday while Sunday marks the end of the event with a thanksgiving service.

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