US Presidential Election: Obama endorses preferred candidate after Biden drops out

US Presidential Election: Obama endorses preferred candidate after Biden drops out



Also endorsed by incumbent Joe Biden

Barack Obama, who is a former President of USA, revealed his choice for the job of president in the final few days leading up to the election that will take place in November.


In a speech that he delivered on Friday, President Obama voiced his endorsement of Kamala Harris for the position of president.


President Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama, publicly expressed their unwavering support for Harris through a tweet on Obama’s X Twitter account.


In the same piece, Obama also voiced his confidence in Harris’s ability to fulfill the role of an excellent president within the company.


During the course of this week, Michelle and I contacted my friend Kamala Harris to inquire about her availability. During the course of their conversation, President Obama assured her that she would be an exceptional president and that she had his complete backing. He also stated that he would always be there for her. It was on the X platform that he made this knowledge available to the world.


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