Your questions on Ogbomoso University answered, as pre-fundraising of N10b is fixed for August 16, 17

Your questions on Ogbomoso University answered, as pre-fundraising of N10b is fixed for August 16, 17


(Photos by Abdulrasak BELLO)

Efforts have continued to be ramped up towards the actualization of the proposed Ogbomoso University, whose idea first reached public space one and a half years ago during the annual general meeting of Ogbomoso Parapo Worldwide, when Rev’d Peter Olaleye, president of Ogbomoso Community Youth Forum (OCYF) informed gleefully that the group had visualized the establishment of a private university in Ogbomoso to be christened Ajilete University, a move endorsed by the president of Ogbomoso Parapo Worldwide, Hon Justice Afolabi Adeniran (retd). However, it was to be known later that another association, the Ogbomoso Academics, has been working on the project two years earlier, and so it became a collaborative effort.



“When OCYF through its president, Peter Olaleye, announced the group was planning to launch Ajilete University it was made known to them that the Ogbomoso Academics, an association of senior lecturers of Ogbomoso origins in higher institutions, is already on to the plan, two years of efforts had gone into it, and so it became a joint effort. They are youths and have the energy to run around and so we envisaged they would be able to do much of the legwork. But we were not well disposed to their proposed name, Ajilete University, for a reason, which was explained to them and so the name Ogbomoso University was adopted,” Professor Alice Arinlade Jekayinfa said during a press briefing on the project Saturday organized to herald a luncheon and pre-fundraising event for the proposed institution scheduled for August 16 and 17.

Alaaje of Alaaje Oba Adesina Amao (2nd right), Alaipo of Aipo Oba Onaolapo Ajadi (2nd left)

The press briefing held at Ogbomoso Recreation Club was attended by several patriots of Ogbomoso including members of the academics; traditional rulers including Alaipo of Aipo Oba Thomas Onaolapo Ajadi, Alaaje of Aajeland Aaje Ologo HRH Reuben Adesina Amao and Olori Jewel Oyekemi Akintola wife of Alapa of Okinapa; youth groups; students represented by Federation of Ogbomoso Students Union (FOGSU) under the leadership of Ebenezer Fajimi; clergymen; traditional priests including Araba Oluawo of Ogbomosoland, High Chief Alao Opeyemi Ifamakinde and so on. The event emphasized the need to see the project as a communal one and every indigene of communities in the five local governments constituting Ogbomoso zone was charged to embrace it as a proposal aimed at expanding educational opportunities “for our children and future generations and at widening the economic base of the communities.”


“So, everybody is encouraged to work for its success. Let’s strive until we get to the promised land. It will boost our economy, everyone will benefit when it gets off the ground, no one will be left out, jobs will be created, artisans, drivers, traders everyone will benefit and our children now and in the future will get more opportunities to gain admission into the university. Let’s propagate this message, it is championed by patriots who love the town. It is going to be different. Both the young and the old, literate and illiterate will derive benefits, no one will be marginalized on any basis, it will be operated on the basis of love. It is an opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the upcoming generation. let’s look at it from that angle,” this posited resonated throughout the event.

The issue of admission into federal universities by young children from Ogbomoso actually, it was revealed, was the major reason for birthing the Ogbomoso Academics few years ago. “The problems our children face in gaining admission into higher institutions was the motivation for founding Ogbomoso Academics,” Prof Jekayinfa, who is treasurer of the association, further said. “So, some experienced professors gathered to deliberate on it. These included Professor (Timothy) Olagbemiro, who was Vice Chancellor for 19 years at Bowen University where he spent 10 years and at Edwin Clark University in Delta state, where he spent 9 years; the immediate past Vice Chancellor of Bowen University, Professor (Joshua) Ogunwole; Professor (Abdulaziz) Lawal of Fountain University, Osogbo, and one other professor.

“These four met at the Pine Valley Academy founded by Prof Olagbemiro to discuss rigorously the rigours our children pass through in gaining admission especially into federal universities and who to overcome this challenge often resort to changing their names and some others their local governments, this scenario is disturbing. And then, we discovered some neigbhouring communities have their own universities, Oyo has three, Osogbo has, Offa has almost five now, Ilesa too, so, why not Ogbomoso? Are we that poor? Are we not capable? Are we lacking in competent hands?

“This is what gave rise to the Ogbomoso Academics. The association, Ogbomoso Academics, has knowledge but we are not rich. But some of our members have been contributing towards the project. But we have now entered another phase that requires others to be involved, we need everybody’s participation and that is the reason for today’s event, to intimate our people that we have reached a crucial stage, in which money is needed, which is the core. We need to begin to see it as an Ogbomoso thing, let’s be gingered to seek the development of our communities. It is not an individual’s vision but a common interest and we don’t want to tarry long in the dream realm we want it actualized in time.

“We have registered the association with the CAC, we have gotten the services of consultants towards the founding of the university, and we have gotten approval from the National Universities Commission (NUC) to start the university. In fact, the day Prof Olagbemiro, who is our chairman, went to the NUC headquarters in Abuja that same day he was given forms to work on for approval. And now we have approached our Obas and some promised to give us lands like Alaipo of Aipo. We have gotten lands at Oolo too and at Aganyan in Surulere local government.”

On generating funds for the project, which initially is estimated at N10b (ten billion naira), a pre-launching event is slated for August 17 in Ogbomoso. A day earlier, August 16, a luncheon will be held to be attended by mainly leaders of religious faiths and groups from the three main religious faiths and are expected to make handsome donations.

“The luncheon is expected to have guests numbering 250, composed of religious leaders representing their religious groups who will come with donations of N1m or nothing less than N500, 000. This is a dream that must be actualized to raise the glory of Ogbomoso. Then, on the second day, a pre-launching programme will be held, we are raising N10b. We will reckon with actual donation and not pledge in our records for we will keep adequate records of donors for future reference and initiate sales of shares,” another speaker disclosed. “Also, we expect family compounds and various clubs and societies to contribute, aside individuals. We urge these groups and family compounds to send their names and pledge or donation. We will create a data base. Tickets for the donations which will be in form of durable cards with security features will be issued and it will be in categories. This can be kept for generations.”

Unveiling the nature of the university
The Saturday press briefing dwelled on the nature of the proposed university, this as gleaned by is highlighted in the points below. Rev’d Dr. Taiwo Opajobi, minister-in-charge of University Baptist Church, Ogbomoso, who is chairman organizing committee of the press briefing set the ball for this rolling.


  • It is now a reality – The vision is being translated into reality as it is now sure the university will be established.
  • Ownership structure – The question of who owns the university is settled. It is not an individual, a politician, a rich man or group, it is designed to belong to all Ogbomosos, to all communities in the five local governments. It will be a shareholding venture in which shares will be sold based on the amount of financial contributions made now starting with the pre-launching stage. So, an individual, a family compound, a society, club or religious group that made monetary contribution will have the chance to become a shareholder. Shareholding structure is the way to ensure its sustainability and to ensure all who contributed benefit in the long run. The shares will be in categories of about five and individuals and groups will be entitled to the shareholding category they fall into. It is an investment and surely there will be return on investment though this may take few years. No room for cheating, whatever is sowed is what will be reaped. And transparency is assured. “This model we want to use, is never practiced anywhere,” a team member told the gathering enthusiastically. “But whoever seeks to accomplish what has never been accomplished must be ready to face what has never been experienced but we are confident the experience will be sweet and ultimately turn into joy. It is going to be a collective effort.”
  • Location – It was revealed it will take off from Pine Valley Academy, Egbeda, along old Ilorin road, in Surulere local government area. It is a campus established for the private secondary school of Prof Timothy Olagbemiro. It will be upgraded and converted as take off point of the institution. The aesthetic outlook of the school is superb for the project. Prof Olagbemiro is said to have consented with a plan to buy the place outrightly in the future. Meanwhile, the university will be multi-campus in the spirit of diversity of Ogbomoso and to reflect the ownership by the five local governments of the zone except where land cannot be secured.
  • Cost and how to generate fund – The cost is gargantuan but the knowledge that sister communities have succeeded in similar venture brings assurance Ogbomoso will accomplish the daunting mission too. As stated earlier, “Ogbomoso is not a community of poor people, and is not lacking in competence or capability to bring the dream to pass. Failure is not envisaged.” Alhaji Zubair Taofiq Muhammad also charged the gathering, “We should have no plan B, we must be determined this will come into fruition, it is a legacy that will outlive us and be beneficial to the future generations of Ogbomosos, our descendants. We should hold no fear, when we have a vision or goal, we cannot underrate ourselves.” Fund for the project is expected to be raised as explained above in the ownership structure section. Perhaps, if there are individuals that can lend the initial money out, it is welcome, the approval process by the NUC can quickly be activated.
  • The transparency question – Will the fund so accumulated be judiciously disbursed? Is there guarantee there won’t be embezzlement as is common with such proposals? Will the money so donated be spent on the purpose it is intended? That is a serious concern! The integrity of its movers is at stake therefore – but these are academics of repute, respected religious leaders, societies of accomplished individuals and so on. Meanwhile they have assured on transparency, accountability and all those virtues that are capable of assuring contributors and shareholders that they will not be disappointed. We can only have faith.
  • Roadmap – What is next? After the pre-launching what next? Date of fundraising proper will be set. What next after that? Actual transformation of dream into reality. The swiftness of that will meanwhile depend on availability of funds.
  • Prof Alice Jekayinfa with the mic
  • Type of curriculum – The curriculum being planned will be entrepreneurial-based so that whoever graduates from the institution can seamlessly transform into job creators and value adding individuals.
  • Question of affordability – Some people are skeptical that if they make contribution, will their children or wards be able to afford the institution in terms of tuition? The university has to be run optimally and profitably so as to be able to meet running costs and execute capital projects for further developments. However, the real benefits are in boosting the glory of the town, creating employment opportunities, sparking increased population that will lead to a boost in the Ogbomoso economy – it is like having another LAUTECH, creating a legacy for future generations of Ogbomosos, and there is chance that descendants of contributors now will benefit later if not immediately. Moreover, the ownership structure being put in place as per the shareholding arrangement gives every contributor or shareholder a chance to have rewards, returns on investment, and so, it should be seen as an investment that returns will be expected.
  • Pledges made can be redeemed on installments but as noted what will be reckoned with is not the pledge but the pledge actually redeemed.
Peter Olaleye, president of OCYF

In conclusion, motivation comes in these words, “This is an opportunity to recreate Ogbomoso, we should have input and impact in the project. We should be goaded by the fact that whatever we do today is history tomorrow. Let us rise to the challenge, what it will bring to Ogbomoso is enormous. Let us accept the challenge that we have an enormous task to accomplish. It is for the future of our children. We have guided it beyond dream it is now in the realm of reality. Indigenes and non-indigenes, whether by birth, by marriage, length of stay, who had lived here at least ten years, our friends, let us come together to accomplish this great task. Ogbomoso is a land of valiant people, establishing a university should not be daunting.”
The gathering dispersed with a renewed hope of success in respect of the establishment of Ogbomoso University.

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