Penis cancer: ‘We offer lab screening,’ Genesis Medical Diagnostics Centre says

Penis cancer: ‘We offer lab screening,’ Genesis Medical Diagnostics Centre says




Amid fear of rising incidence of penile cancer especially in Brazil, Europe and some Africa countries, Genesis Medical Diagnostics Centre, Agbonin, Ogbomoso, Oyo state, has disclosed that it conducts laboratory tests to detect the condition at an early stage.


In a statement signed by its CEO Prince Victor Oyetayo Olawuyi and made available to, Genesis Centre said, “We have noted an increase in the medical case of penile cancer, which often leads to complications including partial or total amputations of that vital organ – penis, among men, especially men over 50 years old. Genesis Medical Diagnostics Centre Ogbomoso wishes to enlighten the public that early detection is crucial in staving off the condition. If detected early effective treatment can be administered.

The CEO Prince Olawuyi (right) with some of the staff

“Hence, we inform the public that the centre is equipped to conduct test and screening for diagnosis of the penile cancer. And this is done at a moderate price. During the last Father’s Day celebration, we undertook Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test for fathers at a very discounted rate which many availed themselves of. We are committed to a society less burdened by preventable diseases, so, we encourage our people to come for this test and others. Visit us for your tests and vaccinations.”


Recall reported the rising incidence of penile cancer earlier with specific reference to Brazil in South America, where it’s said 6, 500 amputations of penis occured as a result of the disease in a decade. The disease is spreading across the world and early detection is advocated to combat the condition.

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