LAUTECH V C: Let Kalilu be

LAUTECH V C: Let Kalilu be




The Governing Council of the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso has advertised the position of the Vice Chancellor of the university. Thus far, Rom Kalilu, a Professor of Arts and Art History, has been holding the reins in the university and so far so good, it has been a win-win situation. As an award winning university, LAUTECH deserves the best among the best as the VC in order to maintain her position as the best state university in Nigeria.



The university is lucky to have at her helms versatile and forward looking Vice Chancellors during her period of predicament, if not, the story would have been different today. Joint ownership of the institution which became necessary due to the creation of Osin state in 1991 nearly crippled the university due to failure of the either side in their financial obligations to the school. Non payment of salaries and emoluments of staff of the school led to strike actions by the staffers of the university and eventual closure for many months. If the truth must be told the coming of the Executive Governor of Oyo state, Engineer Seyi Makinde, marks a turning point in the annals of the institution. He came on board when the institution was prostrated. As a matter of fact, he made the rejuvenation of LAUTECH one of his campaign promises. Upon becoming the governor, he went into action. He did not only end the joint ownership conundrum that had been a cog to the wellness of the institution, he reduced the fee regime and gave adequate subvention to the school. This pragmatic approach brought peace and progress to the school. One area where I had difference with Makinde is the relocation of the Faculty of Agriculture of the school to Iseyin. The policy to me is unhealthy for Ogbomoso economy whose lifeline is LAUTECH. Then, I saw the policy as a way of creating another crisis in the school if another state is created in future, Ogbomoso and Okeogun not being in the same zone. Engineer Seyi Makinde has erased the fear of many as regards his policy with the construction of the 80 kilometer Ogbomoso – Fapote- Iseyin road. Efforts in regional integration has integrated Ogbomoso and Iseyin through LAUTECH and Makinde, an unprecedented feat.





With his laudable accomplishments in Oyo state and LAUTECH in particular, the institution needs a good hand to sustain the tempo. In my own view, the acting VC of the university, Professor Rom Kalilu, stands tall among his peers jostling for the headship of the institution. Kalilu is a graduate of the University of Ife now Obafemi Awolowo University where he studied Fine Arts. He was at the premier university, Ibadan for his Master’s degree, which he crowned up with a PhD. He joined the services of LAUTECH on September 1, 1992 and within eight years, he was appointed a Professor of Arts and Art History. He rose through the ranks to assuming the headship of the institution in acting capacity. As a matter of fact , besides being a thorough bred academic, he has occupied various managerial positions in the university including the Deputy Vice Chancellorship. He served as Head of Department, Dean of Faculty, Chairman of the Committee of Deans and Provosts. He has been in the Senate of the institution in the last 24 years. As a matter of fact, he is the most senior professor in the university. Appointment of Kalilu by Makinde administration as Acting Vice Chancellor is not misplaced going by this intimidating credential. Remarkably also, Kalilu has not in any way betrayed the confidence reposed in him by the governor due to the eldorado that LAUTECH has become. It is in the light of the above that I am imploring Engineer Seyi Makinde in his capacity as Visitor of the school to appoint Kalilu as substantive Vice Chancellor of LAUTECH, he is known to put round peg in a round hole, I believe this will not be an exception.


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