Aftermath KWAM 1’s band member’s revelation, drummers nationwide threaten to downtool over cheating by musicians

Aftermath KWAM 1’s band member’s revelation, drummers threaten to downtool over cheating by musicians


Following an outcry by a drummer of Fuji icon, King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal, Ayankunle Ayanlowo, that his principal had used him and others for over 32 years without receiving adequate earning, Association of Professional Drummers on Nigeria (APDON) Youth Forum has also come out to denounce musicians as well as groups that handle wedding ceremonies (alaga ijoko and alaga iduro).


They protested they are underpaid and had vowed to downtool if the situation continues that way.

In a flyer, they wrote “Drummers are suffering from the musicians, alaga iduro and alaga ijoko. Stop cheating on us, its enough!”

They described the treatment being meted to them as an embarrassment and an insult.

“Stop the embrassment! Stop insulting us!”


Speaking further on the matter Chief Ambassador (Dr) Kehinde Alula Int’l, the national chief taskforce of the association, admitted they were able to find their voice due to the public outcry by Ayanlowo, adding, “the suffering is much. It can’t continue.”

Asked if they don’t have previous agreement Alula disclosed they had, but that the musicians and wedding handlers always do not adhere to the agreement, they do default.

On what step they would take perhaps they would stop playing, he declared, ‘It may come to that, the cheating is much. We may downtool.”

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