More protests rock Emmanuel Alayande University of Education over alleged marginalization

More protests rock Emmanuel Alayande University of Education over alleged marginalization


Two more groups have issued protest statements over the alleged plan to marginalize other zones aside Ibadan in the appointment of principal officers at the Emmanuel Alayande University of Education (EAUE), Oyo, Oyo state.

Oyo Heritage Group (OHG) and Oyo Progressive Union (OPU) are the latest to join in the protests rocking the institution over the alleged plan by the governing council of the newly established university led by Professor Ayoade Ogunkunle.


Recall Ogbomoso Academic Forum on Friday made similar allegation in a statement, disclosing the appointment of the principal officers is tilted to favour Ibadan to the detriment of other geopolitical zones, and so appealed to the state governor Engr. Seyi Makinde to intervene in the spirit of justice and fairness.

Oyo Heritage Group in a release signed by Alhaji Gbola Busari, fumed that contrary to the directive of the governor for enthronement of fairness and objectivity in the appointment of principal officers, the governing council has manipulated the process to scheme out Oyo people.

According to the release, titled: “Why the hatred against Oyo?” it is stated, “quite unfortunate, irritating and insulting is the way the Governing Council of the Emmanuel Alayande University, Oyo, handled the process of ongoing appointment of Bursar and Registrar which commenced on 27th March, 2024. Contrary to the goodwill and equity posture of the Governor, as stated in his speech during the inauguration of the Governing Council of the University, that apart from the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor which he had made, all other management positions should be shared according to zones of the State, the Council rubbished the good intention of the Governor, pencilled down someone who finished few days ago as Bursar of The Polytechnic, Ibadan for appointment as Bursar of the University.

“Interestingly, the person is currently under the investigation of the ICPC for financial corruption to the tune of N20m.

“In the same vein, a person who has acted as Registrar of Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo for almost four years and continues in same role under the University, (who is not an indigene of Oyo State, but from Osun), has also been penciled down for appointment as Registrar when an Oyo indigene came first in the interview.”

This, the group noted, was contrary to the interview report that one candidate from Ibadan zone had the highest score for the bursar position, while one candidate from Oyo zone had the highest score for registrar position.

As a result, it urged the council to “consider the importance of inclusivity in the appointment process,” pointing out that “since the two candidates exhibited the highest competence level and came from different geo-political zones of the state, the two of them were recommended to the University Governing Council to be appointed as Principal officers of the University.”

The group observed however that the signs showed the governing council chairman was scheming to put Ibadan at an undue advantage over other zones, arguing “Ibadan zone had already taken up two seats in the Management when the Council appointed one Ibadan man as Deputy Vice Chancellor and another Ibadan man as Director of Academic Planning, following the appointment of a Vice Chancellor who is from the Ibarapa zone.”


Consequently, OHG implored Governor Makinde to probe the nepotistic inclination with a view to redressing it in order to avert crisis.

Oyo Progressive Union (OPU) in its statement signed by the director of public affairs, Mr. Arogundade Salahudeen, on Saturday, also bemoaned exclusion of Oyo indigenes in appointments of principal officers in the state-owned tertiary institutions, wondering why so much hatred is targeted at Oyo.

The group lamented the trend is becoming alarming, stating very qualified and competent Oyo indigenes are either deliberately not shortlisted or schemed out.

“Quite unfortunate, irritating and insulting is the way the Governing Council of the Emmanuel Alayande University, Oyo handled the process of ongoing appointment of Bursar and Registrar which commenced about four days ago,” it alleged.

OPU reiterated the action negated the advice of Governor during the inauguration of the governing council to ensure fairness, equity and justice in the appointment of the principal officers in the remaining ones having appointed the vice chancellor.

The group therefore stressed the governing council had trivialized the good intention of the governor by pencilling down someone who finished about four days ago as bursar of The Polytechnic, Ibadan, for appointment as bursar of the university.

It added it is irritating the person in question is currently being investigated by the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) for financial misappropriation to the tune of N20million. This is said to be a fund from TETFUND for the sponsorship of a Ph.D student’s study abroad.

“In the same vein, a person who has acted as Registrar of Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo for almost four years and continues in same role under the University, who is not an indigene of Oyo State has also been penciled down for appointment as Registrar.


“Funny enough, the Governing Council Chairman is boasting that the Governor has no business in the appointment and should stay clear. What a nonsense!”

They thus passionately appealed to Governor Makinde to curtail the Ayoade Ogunkunle-led governing council in its marginalization agenda against their communication especially.

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