Explosion averted at Takie Ogbomoso as petrol-laden tanker caught fire in motion

Explosion averted at Takie Ogbomoso as petrol-laden tanker caught fire in motion




Danger was averted Tuesday evening in Ogbomoso as a fully-loaded petrol tanker caught fire in motion.


According to eyewitnesses the tanker was navigating the Takie roundabout towards Federal Government College highway when flame lit up a part of it.


Continuing an eyewitness who however did not give his name said, “But for the vigilance of the motor boy the fire could have engulfed the whole vehicle resulting in a disastrous explosion.”


“The boy caught sight of the flame perhaps through the side mirror and quickly alerted his boss, the driver, who immediately stopped the vehicle.”


The motor boy was said to have quickly jumped out with a fire extinguisher and assisted by members of the park managers at Takie motor park and staff of a nearby fuel station along Sekoni road who all brought out their fire extinguishers, the fire was put out before it could cause damage.


“People had fled from the scene with the incident also engendering a traffic snarl along the ever busy trunk A road,” ogbomosoinsightonline.com was told by another witness Kehinde Adeolu.


Meanwhile as at the time of filing this report the cause of the fire had not been determined.

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