OGBOMOSO: Missing 11yr old Hausa girl found dead in uncompleted building eyes removed

Image caption: The deceased girl

OGBOMOSO: Missing 11yr old Hausa girl found dead in uncompleted building eyes removed

Khalid ABRAHAM & Jeremiah OYELEKE



It was lamentation galore Friday at Oke-Anu area, Ogbomoso, as shocking discovery of the corpse of a young Hausa girl was made inside an uncompleted building with her two eyes allegedly removed.

A large crowd reportedly gathered to have a glimpse of the sight, an eyewitness who pleaded for anonymity told Ogbomoso Insight.

The girl identified as Sumaya Kabiru, according to investigations by ogbomosoinsightonline.com, left her parents’ home at Sabo area last Sunday (December 17) to hawk soyabean cheese (beske) as was her practice but failed to return, which threw her mother and father into panic.

The father, a cow dealer, caused radio announcements to be made appealing to people who knew the whereabouts of, or came across the “missing girl” to assist the family in returning her. The matter was also reported at the police station.

Mother of the deceased

However, these efforts did not yield result, it was learnt. “Meanwhile, the family also resorted to spiritual means to locate the missing girl,” a neighbour informed. “They consulted spiritualists who assured them until Thursday or thereabouts that the girl was alive. But Thursday evening or Friday morning they received another frightening report from the marabouts that the girl might be dead.

“I also heard that the girl appeared to her mother in a dream during Thursday/Friday night. All this made the mother become more desperate and so, set out with vigour to look for the child more prudently in the neighbourhood on the basis that the girl never went beyond Kraal Sabo/Oke-Anu axis. She looked more closely into hidden spots and as she passed the uncompleted building an ominous odour greeted her faintly and she decided to scan the building, lo and behold! the corpse of her daughter stared at her.”

The building the dastardly act was allegedly committed

The woman raised alarm, which drew people to the scene. Upon scrutiny, it was found out that her eyes, heart and other parts had been removed by the yet to be identified ritualists.

ogbomosoinsightonline.com spoke with the mother through an interpreter (Ibrahim Hamzat), a maternal uncle to the deceased at their residence at Sabo (the father was not at home) during which she said she had accepted the fate submitting she suspected no one, “I leave the perpetrators to Allah, he will give them their due recompense.”

The mother of ten (with two now deceased) disclosed when the girl could not be found they reported at the police station and made announcements at a radio station just as “we informed our alfas to seek the face of Allah to help in rescuing the girl.”

“I couldn’t sleep, and hardly ate. At about 10am Friday I rose and prayed more earnestly to God again to help in finding the girl, dead or alive, that he is the one I have always depended on. So, I began to search through hidden places in the area once more, places we had searched before, determined to find her.

“We had not walked far when I found her foot wears. I became agitated, I dashed here and there overwhelmed with the thought that she might be in a precarious situation needing help. But it was her corpse I found. They had removed her eyes and something from her neck. The policeman who came also suggested she was raped. In the uncompleted house we found a green wrapper of ankara fabric. It was a gory sight. There were old skeletons inside the house too,” she revealed.
The remains of the deceased were later evacuated for burial.

The information was confirmed by sources at the Owode Police Station.

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