How 3 religions are captured in Soun’s coronation ceremonies

How 3 religions are captured in Soun’s coronation ceremonies




The much anticipated coronation activities of His Imperial Majesty Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III the Soun of Ogbomosoland slated for December 14 to 19, have the three main religions incorporated bringing reliefs to adherents of all religions in the city.


According to schedule of activities unfolded by the coronation central planning committee Tuesday African Traditional Religion (ATR), Islamic and Christian faithful are alloted ample time each.


The 6-day event will flag off real time with Jumat service Friday, December 15, at the palace ground.


In the evening of Saturday, December 16, the traditionalists will have their session also on the palace ground while on Sunday, December 17, an interdenominational Christian service will hold at the Baptist Beulah Centre, where Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) will minister.

In programmes that initially seeped into the public domain traditional religion activities were excluded however when the final programme of activities was unveiled they are incorporated, thus diffusing the growing anxiety among the adherents.


There have been tensions Oba Ghandi Olaoye being a long time pastor of the RCCG in the USA will have bias for the Christian faith to the detriment of the two other religions.


But since his ascension it appears the monarch has not unduly tilted towards any religion beyond practicing his personal faith.


Ben George a columnist with this medium (print version) in an article last week made case for an all inclusive programme in terms of religious spread not only for fairness but also to provoke a spike in tourism attraction of the events, a write up that quickly generated reactions from diverse people.


Mr. Fatai Adewuyi a contributor to this medium in a rejoinder similarly advocated the inclusion of ATR activities.


With the schedule rolled out a major test had been passed. After all Jesus says “Give unto Caesar what’s Caesar’s,” though in this case which is Caesar’s? What’s the configuration of Caesar? Is it the same context? That’s for another time!


Anyhow this will sustain the religious harmony in Ogbomoso, which makes an inter-religious peace committee irrelevant in the community.


May the coronation ceremonies record high successes and the reign of Oba Ghandi usher Ogbomoso zone into a greater era of growth and development. (Amen).


On a lighter note, let us unfetter ourselves, let us unwind, let us savour the ceremonies, it’s a rare occasion in a lifetime.


And let’s be recorded real time in the history of the event as having played our part by placing congratulatory advert for the new monarch in The Insight stables!



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