See new trendy, fabulous photos of Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Ghandi Olaoye

See new trendy, fabulous photos of Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Ghandi Olaoye

New a la mode, stunning and fabulous photographs of Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye Orumogege III, the Soun of Ogbomosoland, have been released.

They were issued by the palace Monday, shortly after an High Court in Ogbomoso Judicial Division granted the Oba’s application for stay of execution on an earlier judgment nullifying his nomination, selection and approval as Soun of Ogbomosoland.


Justice Kareem Adeyimika Adedokun, the presiding judge of the court, granted the motion on the ground of an appeal already filed against the ruling nullifying the monarch’s installation, declaring status quo ante bellum be maintained pending the hearing and determination of the Appeal Court at Ibadan.
The development has thrown many subjects of the Oba Olaoye into frenzy of jubilation just as it reactivated preparations for the coronation already slated for December (grand finale December 19).

“The people need to behold their beloved Oba in new trendy postures in the run up to the coronation on December 19,” it is stated. here displays the photos:



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