Cook-a-thon: Rev’d Niyi Adebayo boosts Chef Tope Maggie with visit as he passes 92 hrs mark

Cook-a-thon: Rev’d Niyi Adebayo boosts Chef Tope Maggie with visit as he passes 92 hrs mark


Rev’d Niyi Adebayo founder and pastor of True Worshipers Church Oke-Anu, Ogbomoso, Oyo state has led a team of supporters to the Ogbomoso Recreation Club venue of the Guinness World Record (GWR) 200 hours cook-a-thon attempt by Chef Tope Maggie.



Speaking with Rev’d Adebayo said he led the team to show support to the chef, encourage him and wish him success in the endeavour.

Rev’d Adebayo

“The reason we are here is to support and encourage him as well as to wish him all the best because right now he is going international and our team is proud of him.”

Adebayo presents his widow’s mite, received by Niyi Olaleye coordinator of Chief Maggie’s project

Advising Maggie to remain in high spirit to clinch the GWR of 119 hours 57 set last week by Alan Fisher, an Irish, Rev’d Adebayo who is also the proprietor of Zoe Group of Schools, urged him “to keep up his efforts, my team is behind him. We pray for more strength for him to finish strong in the contest.

Adebayo with wife (middle), members of Chef Maggie GWR team and those in the entourage of Rev Adebayo

Adebayo also an author charged youths to “come out of their shell and showcase their God’s gifts and abilities,” saying “the world would recognize and know them, too, with God’s grace.”


Tope Maggie had now gone past the 92 hours mark with 28 hours to beat the record set by Alan Fisher (119 hours 57 minutes) while he has 108 hours to reach his own set mark of 200 hours.

Very Important Personalities, celebrities, politicians and other dignitaries have continued to throng the venue to identify with the chef and egg him on to success.

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