Ogbomoso Grammar School ’81 set donates N2.5m worth ICT furniture to alma mater

Ogbomoso Grammar School ’81 set donates N2.5m worth ICT furniture to alma mater

Lanre OKE

It was ecstasy as members of the 1981 set of Ogbomoso Grammar School donated 25 computer chairs and tables, which can sit fifty students at a time, to their alma mater, to mark their 40th anniversary of graduation from the school.

The event which came up Friday saw members of the set gracing the occasion in their numbers and also attended by members of the national body of the Old Students Association – OGSOSA.

In his speech coordinator of the set, Hon Olusanjo Ogunwole, said they decided to provide the furniture after the national body of the alumni informed ICT centre was a pressing need of the school it was aiming to set up.

“When we were deliberating what project to execute the principal advised we should seek the opinion of the national body. And based on that we contacted the national body and we were told the pressing project is ICT centre. And we thought we needed to lay the foundation on which the computers will be placed that’s why we decided to lay the foundation.”

Hon Ogunwole, 1981 set alumni chairman

Ogunwole assured the set would do more, saying, “This is the first we are doing but we will still do more. We contributed to achieve this. I am highly elated.”

In her welcome address, principal, Dr. Tolani Adewumi, expressed gratitude noting, “There is no better time than now when old students of various schools should form a synergy with their alma-mater to ensure the smooth running of various institutions. This is evident with the increase in the cost of everything and which the schools system is not exempted.”
Maintaining government cannot run schools alone, Dr Adewuni stated, “We as a school therefore praise and welcome your resolve to come and give back to the school that produces and serves as the foundation of whatever you have attained or achieved over the years.


“We believe and know that this kind of gesture you are here to present today will not go unnoticed and will serve as impetus for others in your category to emulate.”

She promised the materials would be judiciously utilized while asking for more. “Our Oliver asks for more,” she said.

Barrister S.A. Muhammed, national legal adviser/vice chairman home based of OGSOSA, also expressed appreciation to the 1981 set.

Speaking on behalf of the national exco he submitted, “We appreciate the donation made by the 1981 set, this is a very big challenge to everybody who are old students of Ogbomoso Grammar School.”

Barrister Muhammed

Barrister Muhammed therefore appealed to the set and others to continue to support the national body in moving the school forward, charging, “We want to implore you should continue as partners in progress. Let this donation be starting point for the ICT centre. I was highly elated when I first learnt of this few days ago. This is an opportunity for the current students, because the ICT is what is in vogue now.

“So, the 1981 set has raised the level, they have raised the bar. We pray you and other sets will grow higher and higher. The school environment is porous, so, we are working hard to get the fence done. We are working to get a fiat from government to get the fence done. We appreciate what you have done but don’t forget to donate money to the national body, we need a lot of money, the annual general meeting is coming up on November 10 and 11.”

The Oyo State Ministry of Education represented by Mr. Ajayi of the Local Inspector of Education, Ogbomoso North local government, also noted, “These computer tables and chairs you have donated for the use of the students is commendable, the effort will go a long way in rewriting the history of this school.”
In a chat with ogbomosoinsightonline.com, Barrister Muhammed reiterated the 1981 set had blazed the trail, “they are the first set to donate equipment for the ICT centre. We have a room reserved for the centre, we are happy the 1981 set has done this which will accommodate 50 students at a time.”


When asked he confirmed many other sets had given back to the school. “Many sets have given back to the school – renovations, materials, scholarships to indigent students, we have a lot, we expect other sets will emulate them. But for now setting up the ICT centre is paramount to us and we want the fence done.”

Dr Bunmi Odewumi, a member of the 1981 set, informed the donation was in commemoration of their 40th graduation anniversary from the school disclosing they ought to have done it in 2021 but that coordinating themselves was herculean, as he enthused, “Thank God we did it eventually. The school means a lot to us.”

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