Closure: Tension as youths storm Central Mosque Ogbomoso, police send for reinforcement (VIDEO)

Closure: Tension as youths storm Central Mosque Ogbomoso, police send for reinforcement (VIDEO)

The Central Mosque Oja’gbo Ogbomoso is presently engulfed in tension as teams of policemen and youths allegedly supporting the Chief Imam Sheikh Teliat Yinus Oluwasina Ayilara have taken over the place as a result of a directive for the mosque to be closed for Jumat Service today.

Chief Imam Ayilara reports Muslim leaders including the Aare Musulumi of Ogbomosoland, Alhaji Abdulganiy Atanda Owodunni; the Balogun Musulumi, Alhaji Abdulrasaq Bello and the Asoju Musulumi, Minkaheel Yussuf, ordered Thursday that the mosque be closed pending when the issue of the origin of the Chief Imam would be resolved, with an advice to the Muslim Ummah to worship in mosques near their residences today.


Meanwhile, this has angered the supporters of the Chief Imam and some others who have consequently stormed the mosque insisting the religious centre cannot be closed.

“Who is Aare Muslim to order closure of the centre mosque?” an angry Muslim youth fumed.

“No one can stop us holding Jumat Service at the Central Mosque today.”

However, information reaching now indicates more policemen have been deployed from Ibadan to beef up security in the city.

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