MohBad: SPANCI demands justice

Image caption: MohBad

MohBad: SPANCI demands justice


Human rights cum charity group, Save the Poor and Needy Charity Initiative (SPANCI), has tasked the federal government to ensure the mysterious death of singer Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba a.k.a. MohBad is properly investigated and justice served.


In a press release signed by its president Comrade (Dr) Bello Yemi Ezekiel JP the group sympathizing with the family of the deceased noted Mohbad “died in mysterious circumstances in which some NDLEA officers were alleged of giving him a white substance according to him in a viral video which many believed may have eventually killed him.”



It adds, “We believe that no person has the right to violate another person’s right to life according to section 33 of Nigeria 1999 constitution as ammended .


“We thereby condemn the act of threat to life, assault, drug abuse, and negligence of the Nigeria Police Force Lagos State leading to the death of MOHBAD and seek justice for him and his family.”


The group therefore urged the federal government to look into the matter “since some NDLEA officers were alleged and drugs abuse involved. We believe nobody is greater than the law and justice to one is justice to all.”


Blaming the Nigeria Police Force of negligence when the deceased intimated them of threat to his life, it says, “though the IGP has ordered a thorough investigation, we want them to critically and professionally handle the matter based on the allegations in his earlier petition and many viral videos indicting some people and the alleged NDLEA officers so that innocent persons will not be punished and offenders will be apprehended as we beg the family to allow law enforcement agency to do their job even if the corpse will be exhumed for autopsy.


“We are of the opinion that MOHBAD death was planned in such a confusing way to affect prosecution and justice and that he was killed because he left some group of people for a better life of decency hence his death needs to be probed and thorough investigation be done so that any person found guilty may be dealt with according to the law in the interest of justice to avoid a repeat of same in the future and protect the right to life of the people because when right to life is violated other rights can not be exercised.”

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